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What Will It Take for Schools to Get Better?



Teachers and administrators in schools across America are doing the best they can with limited resources. But we're not giving them enough support to do their jobs effectively, and our students are paying the price. Here's what needs to change:

Provide access to technology

Technology should be available to all students, and it should be used in the classroom. It is important that technology not just be used for entertainment but also for learning purposes, such as interactive lessons, simulations and virtual environments.

Improving education outcomes is another way technology can improve student achievement in schools. The use of interactive whiteboards has been shown to increase student engagement levels during lessons by an average of 30%, while improving learning outcomes by an average of 3%. This type of technology requires teachers who understand how best to use it effectively—something which may require additional training or support.

Use technology that works

"Technology that works" is not the same thing as "technology that's free" or "technology that's easy to use." It's also not the same thing as "cheap." And it's certainly not the same thing as new.

Many teachers and school leaders are accustomed to using technology that either isn't very effective or doesn't support their teaching methods well, so they think all technology is bad by default. Others don't want to spend money on something they may only use once in a while so they stick with what they know will work—and never try anything else. These two groups need to quit thinking like this if there's going to be any progress toward better schools!

IQ educational solutions enable more interactive learning experiences, more meaningful feedback and improved outcomes for students. We help teachers and students leverage devices and platforms to enhance learning, so that students can have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and career.

Focus on the mission of education

The mission of education is teaching students how to learn, not what they should learn. The focus should be on the students, not the teachers. The focus should be on their ability to think critically and solve problems, not their test scores.

The purpose of school is not to create loyal employees for big business; it's to help people develop into good citizens who can contribute positively in society by becoming self-sufficient and contributing meaningfully with other people through teamwork or community service projects or whatever else sounds fun!

When we shift our focus from what technology can do for us toward why we need it in the first place (in order for people from diverse backgrounds with varying skillsets who may have come from different places because they were born somewhere else but live somewhere else now), then we'll start seeing real change happen within our educational institutions as well as outside them too (like online communities).

Help teachers teach

In order to help teachers teach, we need to give them the right tools and resources. This means:

Access to the right technology. Teachers should be able to use whatever technology is necessary for their subject, whether that's an overhead projector or a laptop. They should also have access to online professional development courses in order to stay up-to-date on best practices, as well as educational software that lets them customize lessons for their students' needs.

More time with students and parents who are invested in seeing them succeed (and who can offer suggestions and feedback along the way).

Recognize that 'free' is not the same thing as affordable

Free and affordable are not the same.

Sustainability and accessibility are not the same.

Relevance, usefulness and effectiveness are not the same.

Until we make clear decisions about how to do these things, we won't be able to give our kids the education they deserve.

The thing is, improving education isn't as simple as just saying you want to do it. There are many ways to improve education, and until we make clear decisions about how to do these things, we won't be able to give our kids the education they deserve.

To improve the quality of education in America, I think we need a plan for what our schools should look like and why those changes are important. In addition, I think we need a plan for how we will pay for those changes. And finally, I think that no matter what your stance on school funding is or where you live in the United States, there's one thing that everyone can agree on: Our kids deserve better than what they're getting right now!


We are at a crossroads in American education, and it's time for us to decide which way we're going. Will we continue down this path of endless testing and high-stakes accountability, even as it becomes clear that these strategies have failed miserably? Or will we make bold changes so that our kids can get the education they deserve?


A Beginners' Guide To The Interactive Display Displays



We have created this guide to help you understand the different types of interactive display panels, their features and how they work. The guide will also inform you about some of the best interactive display options available in the market.

LED Interactive Panels

LED interactive panels are the most popular in the market. They are more affordable than other types of displays and easy to install and maintain. These displays are also durable, reliable and can be used in a variety of applications.

LED displays use LED backlights to light both sides of an LCD or plasma panel, which allows them to achieve higher brightness levels than conventional LCDs or plasma panels. This makes them ideal for outdoor applications where sunlight may interfere with their ability to display text or images clearly.

LCD Projectors

LCD projectors. The most affordable option, LCD projectors offer good picture quality and are portable. But they also have a short life span and are not suitable for outdoor use.

Interactive Smart Boards

Interactive Smart Boards are a great tool for teachers to use in the classroom. They can be used as a way of engaging students and teaching them about technology. Teachers can use it for a variety of purposes, such as for classroom presentations, visual aids and interactive activities.

Mobile Interactivity Devices

Mobile Interactivity Devices

One of the most exciting developments in interactivity is the use of mobile devices that are equipped with Bluetooth and other wireless technologies. These devices have the ability to allow a person to interact with content without having to physically touch it, which is an extremely useful feature when you're looking at some sort of document or poster-style information. You can use this technology in classrooms, boardrooms, workshops and even as a way of allowing visitors access to your website or app while they're waiting for an appointment! There are a number of different types of mobile devices that can be used for this purpose. The two most common are:

- Smartphones and tablets

- Interactive whiteboards


Interactive Flat Panel

The Interactive Flat Panel display is the most common type of interactive display. It has a very broad range of applications and industries, and it's available in a variety of sizes and resolutions. The Interactive Flat Panel display is a flat panel display that's been adapted with some type of interactivity. This can include anything from touch-sensitive buttons to multi-touch functionality, and it can be used in a variety of different ways depending on the application. The Interactive Flat Panel display is a flat panel display that's been adapted with some type of interactivity.


IQTouch, a leading interactive panel display manufacturing company recommend some of the best interactive display options in the market.

IQ is an interactive display solution provider based on smart boards in both education and business, providing IQTouch Interactive Touch Screen Solution, IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard Solution, IQMeet Conference Camera Solution, IQShare Wireless Presentation System Solution, and Smart Accessories. On interactive display solutions, we offer all-in-one displays that features 4K UHD resolution, optical bonding, infrared 20 points touch, smart whiteboard, video conferencing, BYOD, dual systems and many accessories to help business improve meeting efficiency and foster collaboration. We are also dedicated to build a smart conference room to deliver installation flexibility, powerful efficiency and low maintenance cost. Our team aims at providing our customers with the best solutions in terms of performance, reliability and ease of use.

The IQTouch Interactive Display Displays is featured BYOD and BYOM wireless screen shaing WP40 for ideas discussion and meeting collaboration as it seamlessly integrates into your daily working routine. It combines with IQ Meet 4K PTZ camera with optical and digital zoom, IQ Speakerphone 360° omni-directional microphone to realize video meeting for those who work from home. It's easy to set up hybrid learning and working environment.


We are confident that this guide has helped you understand the various kinds of interactive displays available in the market. Interactive display technology is constantly evolving, so keep checking our website for more updates! There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re looking for an interactive display. It’s important that you know what your business needs from an interactive display are and how they fit into your overall IT strategy. We hope this guide has helped you understand the different types of displays available in the market and how they can help improve productivity, engagement, collaboration and communication in your organization.


How I Use My Interactive Flat Panel Display To Save Time And My Sanity



The good old days of chalkboards and boredom. You used to have to stand in front of a class and lecture, hoping that your students were paying attention as you wrote out equations on the board. Nowadays, with interactive flat panel displays (IFPDs), you can make lessons much more engaging for both you and your students. I've been using them in my classes for years now, and I can't imagine teaching without one anymore!

With an interactive flat panel in your classroom, you’ll be able to engage students with fun, interactive lessons and games. But there are hundreds of ways to use IFPs in the classroom, and we know you may have your own ideas! Our list below is just a starting point – there are plenty more awesome ideas out there – but these have been tried and tested by other teachers around the world.

Here are just some of the ways an IFPD has changed how I teach.


Write notes

The digital board is also a great place to write down notes and reminders, like homework assignments. It's easy to forget where you put your notebook or planner when you're rushing out the door in the morning, but it's not so hard if you've got an interactive display at home.

You can also use it as a whiteboard for class rules and expectations. If your students are going to be using their own laptops during class time (or maybe even just for some activities), this might be useful for them too!

My favorite thing about my interactive display is that I can write down information quickly as I need it without having to open any programs or worry about losing my work when I lose connection with my laptop.

Share information

There are many things to consider when it comes to sharing information, but these are the main ones:

  • Who do you want to share with? This could be another teacher, a student, a parent, a colleague or even an administrator.
  • What information would you like to share? This can be as simple as something like "Here's where I've found some resources for this lesson." Or maybe you have something more detailed lined up in which case all the better!

Project music, movies and other multimedia

This is a great feature for anyone who likes to watch a movie or listen to music. I have a soundbar that I use with my TV, but if you don't have one, the built-in speakers are just as good. You can also connect external devices such as computers and/or portable music players using either the USB port or 3.5mm jack on the side of your screen.

With this option, you'll be able to watch whatever media you want in high definition clarity!

Also, Tina Baker, an eighth grade language arts and social studies teacher at William Lenoir Middle School in Lenoir, North Carolina, uses her IQTouch TE1100 Pro interactive flat panel to motivate her students to start working as soon as class begins. Instead of writing bell work on the board every day, Tina uses her IFP for other purposes. Besides being a major time-saver, using your IFP lets you incorporate other mediums into your bell work—try displaying a photo or playing a song or a short YouTube video and asking students to write a response.

Record lessons

You can use your interactive flat panel display to record lessons. You can record the entire lesson or just parts of it. You can also use it for practice tests and quizzes, which will help students better prepare for the upcoming test.

You'll need an HDMI cable if you want to save recordings on a computer or laptop, but you don't need any software as long as your camera has a mic port. If not, then you'll have to buy an adapter (or two) so that both devices are connected through one cable: one for recording audio and video and the other for power cords so that they stay charged throughout class time without having to worry about constantly charging them separately!

Manage the classroom with a single screen

As a teacher, I've always tried to focus on what's important. I want to teach my kids in the best way possible and am always looking for ways to do that. Interactive Flat Panel displays can help you do just that by adding a layer of visibility into your classroom that may have been missing before.

When I'm teaching a lesson and a student asks me a question, instead of answering it there and then, I use the display as an opportunity to give them more information or tell them how they can find the answer themselves. This saves me time because if they need help again later in class or at home they know where to look or whom they should ask.

It may sound like common sense but knowing how much time has passed during each class is vital when managing groups of students who are working on different things at once. You might want two groups working together on something while another is independently researching something else entirely - not having enough information about how long certain activities take will only cause confusion! A good way around this problem is by using an interactive whiteboard as well as software such as IQKitsMemos interactive whiteboard software: abundant teaching tools and various class activity templates offer to the teachers and students, and bring a class with more interactive and funny experience.

These awesome displays truly have revolutionized the classroom.

Interactive displays are an awesome way to engage students in the classroom. With these systems, teachers can create a more interactive learning experience that engages all students. Interactive displays like IQTouch software allow you to create videos and images with ease, so you can use them to help teach your lessons. If you're looking for ways to make your lessons more interesting, interactive displays are the way to go!

Before interactive flat panels were invented, we only had whiteboards in our classrooms that could only write on them with dry erase markers. Nowadays, however, we have these new technologies that allow us much more freedom when it comes time for creating presentations or quizzes in class! You'll have no problem finding an app or method for creating digital content on any platform - this includes iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads (for example).

You'll find out how easy it is once you start using one of these awesome pieces of equipment because they break down barriers between teacher and student interaction which allows everyone involved during class time feel like they're partaking in something special together as a group instead just sitting there listening passively from behind their desks without interacting with anyone else except maybe their neighbors who might be next door neighbors but not necessarily best friends outside school hours...or maybe even then..


The best part about this display is that it's so easy to use and understand. It's perfect for teachers who are just starting out or need a little help with technology in the classroom. The interactive flat panel displays have revolutionized education by being able to do so much more than just show slideshows!


5 Benefits of Interactive Flat Panel Education For Schools



The world of education is changing, and classroom technology is helping it progress. As our students become more accustomed to the digital world, we need to make sure they have all the tools they need to succeed. Interactive Flat Panels are one of the most valuable tools we can provide our students today. Here are 5 benefits of interactive flat panels for schools:

Interactive Flat Panel + Classroom Management = Efficiency

The teacher has a microphone and is able to talk to all the students at once, or just the ones in a specific area of the classroom. This option is especially useful if you’re trying to manage your students or help them with something on their individual screens. The teacher can also use it as an announcement system where they can speak directly into their microphone and everyone hears what they have to say no matter where they are in the room. By doing this, it becomes easier for teachers to manage groups of students that are off task by helping them get back on track by using the interactive flat panel display screen as an instructional tool.

Professional Teaching Resources Are Just A Click Away

Interactive flat panel education, or IFPE as it’s sometimes called, is a great way to make teaching resources easy to find and use. The ability of IFPE systems to integrate with existing software makes finding new teaching materials an effortless task. Teachers can also create their own interactive lessons using some of the popular tools available today.

Through IQVideo lecture capture system, educators can easily create a hybrid learning environment. Teachers deliver their lectures on cloud video platform YouTube or Facebook, which facilitates the students learning from home. With the push of a button, teachers can share their lessons with colleagues through social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. This enables students around the world to see how others are learning while they are learning themselves!

What Are The Benefits Of Interactive Flat Panels For Education?

High Definition IPS (In-Plane Switching) Screen

The first benefit of an interactive flat panel display is the high-definition IPS (In-Plane Switching) screen, which is a high-quality display technology with many advantages. It allows for a wide viewing angle and has a fast response time, making it ideal for classrooms where there are multiple users who may be sitting at different distances from their screens. In addition, IPS displays are more energy efficient than other types of displays because they have better contrast ratios and black levels, so they don’t need as much electricity to power up.

IPS screens are available in a wide range of sizes ranging from 27 inches all the way up to 85 inches or even larger if you need something larger for your classroom!

What Are The Benefits Of Interactive Flat Panels For Education?

Easy to Use Without the Need for Training

In the past, you’d need to hire an expert to set up a computer or tablet for use in the classroom. But now that technology has advanced and flat panels have become more affordable, interactive whiteboards have made it easier than ever before for schools to create their own interactive learning environment.

These days most people are familiar with computers and tablets because they’re so widely used at home and in the workplace. So there’s no need for training when you introduce new technology into your school – students will be very comfortable getting started on their own. They can tap the screen with their fingers or use a stylus pen instead of a mouse if they prefer (although some teachers may prefer using both).

What Are The Benefits Of Interactive Flat Panels For Education?

Access to Worldwide Classrooms with IQClass Hybrid Learning Solution

IQClass Hybrid Learning Solution is a cloud-based education way that allows teachers to share their classroom with students around the world. This gives educators the ability to connect with other teachers and share resources, files, videos, and lessons. Students can interact with the teacher or other students in real time. IQClass Hybrid Learning Solution has made it possible for teachers to engage students from all over the world while building their own professional networks of peers around common interests!

What Are The Benefits Of Interactive Flat Panels For Education?

Teachers Can Collaborate In Real Time With Students and Colleagues

A big advantage of interactive flat panels in education is the ability to collaborate in real time with students and colleagues. Teachers can share their screen with students, or they can share their screens with their students and colleagues. This allows for a more collaborative environment that increases engagement and learning.

What Are The Benefits Of Interactive Flat Panels For Education?

Easy Access to a Wide Variety of Resources in the Cloud

The cloud is everywhere and it's easy to access.

Teachers can access their resources from anywhere, including the classroom and their homes. They can easily share content with students and other teachers, collaborate on projects and activities, and even connect with experts in the field for advice or information. This means that you have a large variety of options available to you at all times.

5 Benefits of interactive flat panel for schools

There are many benefits of interactive flat panel for schools. This technology is allowing teachers to expand their classroom resources and engage students like never before. With the right equipment, your students can take advantage of the following:

Large touchscreen display - Interactive touchscreen display for education helps to achieve an active connection between teachers and students as the display can be touched up to 20 points at the same time. You can touch the screen, erase, side, drag and move multiple windows simultaneously. Teachers can teach from multiple sources of content and applications. This helps children to become better at brainstorming, presenting and analysing text or images.

IQTouch interactive display - This touchscreen technology allows you greater control over how you interact with content on screen than traditional projectors do because it's integrated into one device instead of two separate components like cables connecting a computer monitor connected via VGA cable (to provide power), speakers attached directly into audio ports on computers' motherboards (for sound), etcetera. Interactive Flat Panel Education Solutions will help you make the most of every moment in the classroom. Studies have shown that in digitally active classrooms, failure rates are 55% lower as compared to traditional learning classrooms. Due to their one-and-all function, an interactive panel for education is faster to set up and require minimal maintenance. It is easy to use, which means that little children, as well as those with less knowledge of technology, can adapt to the flat board panel easily. This also means that there is minimal training involved and this can save time and reduce related costs.


Professional teaching resources - Interactive flat panel systems include apps that allow teachers easy access to professional learning tools such as videos demonstrating best practices from other classrooms around world." An interactive education panel is an immensely useful tool for teachers and students. This type of education technology allows teachers to move freely and teach anywhere in the classroom, whilst sharing their work with a simple click of a button. Students can submit assignments directly on the board without interrupting the lesson, while teachers can track their progress better as they have access to their daily lessons recorded on the system. Digital drawings can be saved at any time and easily modified later. Our panels are also compatible with Microsoft Office features such as Powerpoint, Word and able to access Adobe PDF files too. For example, if you want to see what your child is working on but he or she does not have time to explain it all orally, you can just access this information on your own time by watching what was recorded during class! Most interactive flat panel education have a wireless screencasting option, where they can support a computer, iPad or phone. Most smart boards also have a built-in camera microphone and are compatible with most software, on top of being easy to update the hardware too.


I hope this article has given you a taste for just how exciting and beneficial interactive flat panels can be for your school’s classrooms. They are an amazing tool that will allow teachers and students alike to engage in new ways of learning, which is why they are becoming more popular than ever before. If you want to learn more about the benefits of interactive flat panel education then please contact us today!


The Best Video Conferencing Equipment Options for Businesses



If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur looking to invest in video conferencing equipment or video conferencing solution, the options can be overwhelming. There are hundreds of vendors out there with dozens of different products and features to choose from. Plus, with technology changing so quickly, it can be hard to know if you're getting the latest and greatest technology that makes sense for your situation.

So what do you need? What do you even look for when buying new conference room equipment?


You'll want to make sure you have the right type of camera for your business. Cameras are used for many purposes, including teleconferencing and videoconferencing. You may even be able to use them for web conferencing. A wide variety of cameras are available on the market today, and they vary in price and features. Some have high-definition capabilities while others offer panoramic viewing angles. They can also come with a range of resolutions such as 720p (also known as HD) or 1080p (also known as Full HD).

A WebEx meeting room camera isn't just there to capture images; it's also responsible for transmitting sound signals so participants can hear one another clearly during a video conference call without wires or headsets getting in their way! The best choice will depend on factors like how much money is available within your budget constraints but also where this equipment will be installed within your organization; don't forget about those factors when selecting which device works best!


Microphones are important for video conferencing—they enable the participants to hear each other. Microphones can be wired or wireless. Wired microphones are connected to your computer and have a cord running out of them, while wireless microphones use batteries that need to be charged periodically. Wireless microphones tend to be more expensive than wired ones due to their technical complexity and battery power requirements, but they make it easy for participants in an office setting who are mobile and may not always have access to power outlets near their desks (like salespeople).

Wireless microphones come in two types: unidirectional and omnidirectional. Unidirectional mics pick up sound from one direction only, making them ideal for conference rooms where everyone is looking at the speaker; omnidirectional mics pick up sound from all sides equally well, meaning that if you're holding a meeting where people sit around a table facing each other (or if someone's coming into the room late), they won't miss anything that's said even if they aren't directly facing the speaker


Great speakers are a must for video conferencing. You want to make sure you're heard and understood, so speak up! If you do have an issue with being heard, it's probably because the microphone isn't picking up your voice or it's not as loud as it should be. Make sure to speak close to the microphone and keep your voice level when speaking (no yelling).

If possible, place your speaker where everyone in the room can hear it clearly without having to strain their ears too much (e.g., don't put it behind a wall). At the very least, make sure that everyone who will participate in meetings has access to a speakerphone—especially if they're participating remotely. In general, having both microphones and speakers at equal heights is ideal; this will help ensure that sound levels are balanced between participants during meetings so no one has an advantage over another person due solely on where they're seated relative to one another (which could cause some people's voices not being heard clearly enough).

Screens and TVs

When it comes to the best video conferencing equipment, there's a lot to consider. The quality of your screen is especially important: not only can you use it to share content and take notes during meetings, but it will also be the factor that determines how clear and sharp your colleagues' faces are when they appear on screen.

The size of your monitor plays an important role in determining how large and detailed your image will be (in addition to its resolution). A smaller size means that participants' faces may be cut off or distorted as they move around in their own environment; a larger one can help create a more comfortable impression for those attending from far away. Resolution refers to how many pixels make up the screen surface area—the higher this number is, the crisper images will look when projected onto them.

A common problem with LCD screens is "burn-in" issues where faint remnants of images stay burned into their surfaces after being displayed—this doesn't affect OLEDs or Plasmas (though they too have issues like glare). IPS technology helps prevent this by making sure colors don't get washed out when viewed from different angles while VA panels work better than TN ones at handling fast motion without blurring lines together into smudges

Furniture and space

The first thing you'll need is a space to hold the equipment. If you have a large table in your office, this can work well, but it's also good to invest in some durable furniture that can handle being leaned on and moved around. If you're looking for something with a more professional aesthetic, consider using a conference room or office that has an oversized table and chairs.

Desktop sharing software

Desktop sharing software is an effective and affordable way to conduct meetings with multiple participants. It allows you to share your desktop, documents, and other files with others in the meeting. You can also display a screen capture of whatever is on your computer’s screen at that moment or share a web browser window, video or audio stream from the internet.

Video conferencing apps or services

Video conferencing apps and services are a great way to save money on equipment. If you're a small business that doesn't need all the bells and whistles of multi-user video conferencing systems, or if you're a remote worker who travels often and just needs to stay connected with colleagues, this could be the perfect option for you.

In fact, video conferencing apps are so convenient and easy to use that they're ideal for businesses of all sizes—even if they don't have many employees or partners at all!

Connectivity: wired vs. wireless vs. USB-based video conference systems (VCS)

The next step is to determine the best way to connect your equipment. Wireless, wired and USB-based video conferencing systems (VCS) all have their pros and cons when it comes to creating a high-quality video experience for your employees.

Wireless: Wireless setups offer the most convenience, as they don't require any cables or wires between devices. However, because wireless signals tend to travel at slower speeds than wired connections do, there's more latency in this type of setup if you're using an HD camera or streaming video across large distances. If you plan on using only one camera for your conference calls—or if you're just doing occasional webinars—wireless could be a good choice for low-cost connectivity that doesn't require much maintenance over time.

Wired: While wired connections are often more secure than wireless ones because they don't transmit data over radio waves (which can be intercepted), they also tend not to work with mobile applications like Skype unless there's an adapter installed on each device involved in the call (for example: Logitech offers adapters that let users plug in their existing headsets into laptops running Windows). These extra steps can be costly if they need replacing frequently; however, if security is important enough then investing in these kinds of adapters might be worth considering since most people already own them anyway!

USB-based VCS (Universal Serial Bus): This option allows users access through any computer by simply plugging into an available USB port—so long as both computers have compatible software installed beforehand--which means anyone

Additional conference room equipment for large meeting spaces

For larger meeting spaces, you may need additional equipment. A network switch, a hub, and a router are all helpful for expanding the number of connected devices. A network cable tester is also useful to ensure that these connections are functioning properly before each meeting. Finally, an RJ-45 crimper will help you to prepare the cable ends for connection to your switch/hub/router by cutting off excess plastic and crimping them into place with ease.


Businesses need to control multiple lines of communication during a video conference, so having the right equipment is a must.

Video conferencing equipment is used by businesses, schools, and entertainment venues to allow multiple participants to communicate via video, audio, and data in real time. To do this successfully, you need a solid video conference system.

A video conference system is a set of hardware and software components that allow people to communicate with each other via video, audio, and data in real time. Video conferencing equipment is used for business meetings, education (including distance learning), and entertainment purposes such as gaming or watching movies together online without the need for travel or hosting a traditional meeting.

Smart Meeting Room Solutions from can help you get the most out of your meetings. We offer IQSpeakerphone for omnidirectional voice pickup, IQTouch Interactive Flat Panel for 4K UHD information display, and IQMeet Camera for instant video conference.  Whether you need a small meeting room or a large auditorium, we offer a variety of selections to provide you with the best total conferencing system.



It’s important to know what your business needs before choosing the right  video conferencing system hardware. If you’re just starting out, it might be best to start small and get comfortable with video conferencing on a budget. Then, once you see how much value this technology brings to your organization, invest in more expensive gear if necessary!


Tips for Effective Conference Room Management


A conference room is a place of business where people gather to talk about business. It can also be used for training sessions, meetings, boardrooms and more. A conference room can be small or large depending on the needs of the company. It serves as a center point because it has information that is important to daily operations such as calendars and schedules.

Move to a centralized control system
By moving to a centralized control system, you can make all of your facilities more efficient and productive. You'll be able to create digital displays in every room and use cloud-based systems to manage them. This will allow you to monitor energy usage, improve security, and automate your lighting and temperature settings.

Centralize room calendars
Centralize room calendars to improve scheduling. If you have a centralized control system, it's easier for all your team members to know when the rooms are available for meetings and other events. This means that your room reservations can be streamlined and more efficient, which is especially important when you're managing multiple locations with multiple meeting rooms. When employees know which rooms are available at any given time, they can make informed decisions about where they should hold their meetings or what kind of space will best suit the needs of their teams. The fewer questions people have about whether they've booked a suitable venue, the less stress there will be on both sides of the equation—and that means better outcomes for everyone involved in planning out those meetings!

Add digital displays
Digital displays are a great way to keep your conference room organized and efficient. You can use them to display the schedule of the conference room, its availability, or even its status (such as locked or available). This way, people who need to know whether or not it's available have an easy-to-access visual indicator that will help them make their plans.

Use cloud-based systems
Cloud-based systems provide a central repository for all room data, allowing you to view and update all room details from anywhere, anytime. They also allow multiple users to access the same information at the same time and on multiple devices.

Integrate smart displays with booking systems
You can integrate your booking system with smart displays in three ways. First, you can integrate the booking system with a centralized control system. This is particularly effective for large meeting rooms that have many rooms in a single building or campus. Second, you can integrate the booking system with digital displays. The advantage of this method is that it allows each guest to see who else has booked the room and track their own reservations over time. Finally, you can combine both methods in one centralized control system and digital display setup!

A clear understanding of needs for conference rooms will bring about the most cost effective and efficient solution.
In order to bring about the most cost effective and efficient solution, there are several key areas that need to be considered when developing a conference room management system. The first is a clear understanding of your company’s needs for conference rooms. This includes the need for a centralized control system, which can be used in conjunction with an existing booking system if you have one.

  • Centralized Control System: A centralized control system ensures that only authorized personnel can make changes to booking settings and allows for easy communication between all users.

This smart conference room solution utilizes Q-NEX Networked Media Processor(NMP) and professional audio and video system to realize unified device control and management in the meeting room. You can manage the devices in the meeting room in real time by Q-NEX mobile App or the web-based control platform Q-NEX Console. Just one click on the page and remotely control the conference room, which brings you a hassle-free experience for device control.

  • Calendar Integration: Integration with the calendar allows employees to see when rooms are available or unavailable based on their preferences and schedules while providing administrators with complete visibility into room use throughout the day.
  • Digital Displays: Digital displays allow users to view real-time status updates on all booked rooms, along with other pertinent information such as directions, parking tips and more!

For a AV company, the ability to effectively manage conference rooms can have a huge impact on productivity and efficiency. If you’ve found yourself struggling with managing your own conference rooms, or if you’re looking for some help with planning ahead so that your next event is a success, we hope that these tips will be helpful.


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