Interactive flat panel displays for schools-IQBoard
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Interactive flat panel displays for schools


    The interactive flat panel is an LCD panel that combines the appearance of an old traditional blackboard with modern digital technology. The electronic blackboard provides a precise capacitive touch screen for interactive multimedia teaching. According to different sizes of rooms, there are 65-inch, 70-inch, 75-inch and 86-inch interactive flat panels.The blackboard and chalk are almost students' memories of the school. We listen to the teacher's lecture and all rows of desks face the blackboard. In those days, interactivity meant worksheets or group assignments. However,with the development of educational technology, the period of using blackboards in classrooms have passed. Interactive flat panel displays are increasingly deployed in educational environments, which assists the process or teaching process with continuously evolving features and functions.

     In teaching, flexibility and adaptability are essential. The interactive flat panel technology frees the teachers in front of the podium from being restrained. They can move around freely while attending classes seamlessly. The display itself can be moved from one area of the classroom to another, so that lessons can be concentrated to a group of students. It can even move from one classroom to another, so that students can learn anytime, anywhere in schools. Activate your virtual lessons, student presentations and group discussions by combining video conferencing and teaching applications with unlimited writing canvases. Students can also take lessons from a tablet or IQ Touch interactive flat panel. They are not restricted by traditional fixed chairs, tables and desks, and are free to stand up and help each other.

    Students can stimulate interest in an interactive learning environment that combines visual aids and interactive teaching methods, which is why teachers must use new methods and tools that can enhance the learning experience. IQ Touch can intuitively develop, record and share ideas among people of all ages, so that it can adapt to various education and training goals.


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