interactive classroom voting system

interactive classroom voting system. Teachers or teachers and students work together to create contextually relevant contexts. The teacher introduces and explains the subject of the lesson and the corresponding teaching priorities.

IQTouch C Pro Interactive Display

interactive classroom voting system. Teachers or teachers and students work together to create contextually relevant contexts. The teacher introduces and explains the subject of the lesson and the corresponding teaching priorities.. Unlock the potential of interaction with IQTouch CR1300—an unparalleled large interactive touch screen. It seamlessly integrates devices, education software, and lesson content, revolutionizing interactive displays.

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With IQShare Lite, It could realize no cable, no set-up, no waiting to join in to share and display the laptop screen to IQTouch C Pro screen instantly.

Cast mobile devices on the IQTouch C Pro screen wirelessly or use them to control the screen smarter.

Plug-n-play multimedia devices for fast presentation with rich ports.

IQTouch C Pro Interactive Display

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