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Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar


On 9th May 2024, the Malaysian Cross-border Trade Workshop and the government's accompanying delegation of 19 people came to Fuzhou Hi-Tech Park and visited Returnstar Interactive Technology Group Co., Ltd. The 14-day Seminar on Cross-Border Trade for Malaysia was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and undertaken by the International Economic Cooperation Center of Fujian Province. Returnstar's Director Hong Wenjie and General Manager of the International Business Unit Jelly Yang, met with the guests, guided the visit, and held the exchange meeting.

After the Malaysian group arrived at the headquarters of Returnstar Interactive Technology, Ms. Hong personally led the customers to visit the Returnstar Future Education Experience Centre. Under the guidance of Ms. Hong, the delegation visited the four experience areas of Returnstar brand culture area, smart classroom, innovative campus, and regional management center. In the brand culture area, the group has gained a close understanding of Returnstar's development history and industry position in education technology over the past 18 years. The Malaysian delegation gained a preliminary understanding of Returnstar's technical strength and market influence in the edu-tech industry through the all-around display of products and solutions here.

session audience

In the brand and product technology introduction session, Jamie Zhang, country manager of IQ International Business Unit, first briefly introduced the company and its products to the visiting team. Jamie reviewed the 18 years of brand development history and introduced the company's profound technical background and customer service foundation accumulated in education technology. She then focused on the core technology architecture of Q-NEX Smart Campus Solutions, including the intelligent campus cloud platform that integrates cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, audiovisual broadcasting system, and remote control technology, as well as specific applications in various application scenarios of the intelligent campus.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - 产品讲解员张静特写 2

"Q-NEX Smart Campus Solutions not only realizes intelligent and informative management of teaching activities but also empowers teaching decision-making through data analysis, significantly improving teaching efficiency." Jamie introduced to the customer, "Q-NEX Smart Campus solutions has been actively practiced and widely used in many countries and regions, including the Southeast Asian market, including Malaysia."

Later, Ms. Hong welcomed the visiting cross-border training team, thanked the Malaysian delegation for visiting, discussed the current situation and future of intelligent education technology, and arranged the follow-up activity process. Through Ms. Hong's in-depth elaboration, the Malaysian delegation gained more comprehensive knowledge of Returnstar's overall strength and technology level in education.

Next, in the product demo session, Lay Wu, IQ’s technical manager, introduced the application scenarios, core functions, and technical highlights of Q-NEX Classroom Solutions, including an intelligent lecture capture system, classroom centralized control and management platform, wireless screen sharing solution for meetings, and introduction of the core function of intelligent interactive flat panels.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - smart classroom introduction

Lay pointed out that with the continuous diversification of teaching mode, teachers need to frequently manipulate various types of equipment in the classroom, which is prone to causing cumbersome operation processes. Traditional wired equipment control has many inconveniences, and IQ wireless centralized control solutions can inject new momentum into teaching activities. The wireless centralized control platform enables teachers to operate more concisely and smoothly through the intelligent Q-NEX Touch Control Panel. In the past, teachers may need to walk back and forth in the classroom to switch between different devices. However, now, they only need to operate efficiently on the Q-NEX Touch Control Panel or any other Q-NEX centralized control platform to achieve centralized control of projectors, interactive flat panels, and other devices, improving teaching efficiency. In addition, at the end of teaching activities, teachers can put all the equipment into a dormant state with just one essential operation, contributing to a sustainable campus.


During the interactive session of the intelligent classroom solution introduction, the IQ team also provided samples of the IQSHARE BUTTON Gen2 so that everyone could understand the product's design features and functional characteristics intuitively. Many customers said they could not imagine such a compact object could have such robust data transmission and file-sharing functions. In addition, during the demonstration of the auto-tracking function of the IQVideo lecture capture system, customers also took on the role of a student to experience whether movements such as raising hands and standing up could be accurately recognized and highly evaluate the product's interactive performance.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - gen2 observing

After the exchange and learning session, there was a short and pleasant tea break. In a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, the Malaysian customer representatives and the management of Returnstar carried out further communication and exchanges. The two sides discussed the prospects of cooperation, technology development trends, and other topics to enhance mutual understanding.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - teabreak

After the tea break, the delegation experienced the powerful functions of Q-NEX smart classroom solutions in the interactive experience zone, including intelligent interactive flat panels, a one-touch control system, and other intelligent interactive technologies, to deeply feel the immersive interactive experience of future education.

During the experience process, IQ’s sales team actively engaged with visitors on how to use the intelligent interactive flat panel skills. Through a careful experience of the IQTouch series interactive flat panels, visitors give its excellent interactivity and ease of use high praise.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - USING interactive flat panel

It is worth mentioning that an assistant to the governor from Perak State of Malaysia made an in-depth consultation on the overall price plan of innovative Q-NEX Classroom Solutions, expressing confidence in Q-NEX intelligence and reflecting the high importance of future education informatization construction.

After the tea break, Ms. Zeng Xiaoli, Secretary General of the Fujian Provincial Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products, showed the Chamber's development history and its ten major business service systems.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - 机电商会曾晓丽秘书长发言 1

The Fujian Provincial Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products was established in 1995. After 29 years of development, it has become an important industry organization covering many mechanical and electrical product areas. The Chamber provides its member enterprises with professional training, policy interpretation, and other services. It also actively assists them in exploring domestic and international markets and establishes a solid and far-reaching bridge and link for market cooperation in cross-border trade in the mechanical and electrical industry. 

Ms.Zeng also pointed out that the Chamber has also recently vigorously implemented the ''go global '' strategy, publishing publicity for member enterprises in overseas media such as the European Times and plowing into the European market with strategic partners such as Germany's Steinbeis. At the same time, the Chamber also assists member companies in participating in United Nations procurement projects. It uses the China South-South Cooperation Network to provide information exchange and other services.  Ms.Zeng also said that the Chamber will continue to provide better and more efficient services to member enterprises and help Fujian's electromechanical industry achieve sustainable and innovative development.

During the discussion session, Ms.Hong first focused on the technical highlights of the Q-NEX smart classroom solution. ''Our intelligent classroom solution integrates teaching, management, operation, and maintenance. Through the in-depth integration of equipment and systems such as interactive flat panel screens, intelligent podiums, cloud platforms, etc., it realizes the digitization and intelligence of the teaching environment, which significantly improves the teaching efficiency and the quality of classroom interaction.''

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - 洪总和杨总 4 1

Subsequently, Ms.Hong and Jelly Yang replied to the questions about the products everyone was interested in.

One of the customers who had previously cooperated with Returnstar not only enquired about the use of wireless screen-sharing technology but also accidentally discovered that the interactive flat panel used in her office was a product that was developed and manufactured by Returnstar.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - customer qa

Jelly Yang then offered an IQSmart Pen as a free gift to her organization, presenting a friendly move for IQ’s sincere gratitude to the customer’s trust and a symbol of further cooperation and exchange. Another Malaysian customer representative also expressed satisfaction with the ease-to-use IQTouch series interactive flat panels.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - 赠礼环节 3

Through the experience of using the products, the Malaysian training group deeply learned about Returnstar's innovative practice in intelligent education and cross-border technology implementation and highly praised these development achievements. They said that the intelligent IQ and QNEX products have a fashionable appearance with effortless and smooth operation, fully meeting their needs for a digital teaching environment. They highly recognize Returnstar's innovative practices in education informatization and look forward to more extensive and in-depth cooperation between the two parties.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - interview

After the discussion, the Malaysian research group and the government accompanying party took a group photo in front of the "Big Data Tree Wall" in the exhibition hall.

Integration, Innovation and Future: A Review of Malaysia Cross-Border Trade Training Team Visiting Returnstar - 大合影 2

At the end of the exchange, Ms. Hong said, "I hope to have the opportunity to go to Malaysia in the future to carry out more in-depth exchanges and cooperation with local enterprises. I look forward to visiting the outstanding companies in Malaysia and jointly promoting China-Malaysia economic and trade cooperation to a new step."

The visit of the Malaysian cross-border trade delegation not only deepened the understanding and interaction between the Chinese and Malaysians on innovative education, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation on education technology solutions but also highlighted the shared vision of China and Malaysia in promoting cross-border e-commerce and international cooperation. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, and Fujian-Malaysia economic and trade cooperation is also heating up with the deepening of the "Belt and Road Initiative". Both sides have a bright future in the field of intelligent education. Driven by technological innovation, enterprises from both countries can further enhance the efficiency and quality of cross-border trade, contributing to building a more open and inclusive international economic landscape.

Returnstar thanks the Malaysian cross-border trade training team and the government accompanying party for the visit. We also expect more groups who love the education technology industry can visit Returnstar to discuss the development trend of intelligent education technology and to establish a lasting and far-reaching trade cooperation relationship.

As a well-known brand with customers in more than 150 countries in Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and other regions, Returnstar has been focusing on providing intelligent and digital teaching solutions for global educational institutions for many years. Returnstar will continue to uphold the mission of Technology for Education and provide more competitive products and solutions for academic customers. We will also actively work with our global partners to inject new impetus into the education industry worldwide and move forward to become a leader in global education technology.

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