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Came on stage of 2020GESS, IQ Never Stop


To explore more inspirational ideas of interactive solutions, during February 25 - 27, 2020, catching the tail of February, IQ came on stage in 2020 GESS Dubai Exhibition.

In 2020 GESS Dubai, IQ presented IQTouch Interactive Displays and Q-NEX Digital School Management Solution.


IQTouch X Series - Capacitive Touch

It has 3 features that set it apart from other IFP series: 20-point capacitive touch, built-in HD camera providing 1080p video transmission and array microphone collecting sound within 10 meters.


IQTouch T Series

IQTouch T Series features 20 points multi-touch and stunning 4k image clarity. It is an Android 8.0 based interactive panel and loaded with Windows 10 Pro. Built-in annotation software makes on-screen annotations with ease. Screen mirroring software gives teachers an enhanced presentation to collaborate with mobile technology more easily.

IQTouch C Pro:

IQTouch C Pro is powered by Android 8.0 as well as Windows 10 Pro. It features 20 points of multi-touch. WIth IQShare Lite, the laptop screen could be instantly shared and displayed in IQTouch C Pro with no cables, no set-up, no waiting.


IQTouch L Pro 

IQTouch L Pro series support 20-point touch. Cooperated with IQ Conference camera and microphone, its built-in wireless screen projection software and whiteboard software can achieve an interactive conference solution.



With various educational hardware entering classroom, modern campuses are in need of better utilization of the technology – this is where Q-NEX comes into play. Q-NEX is a solution which teachers can manage classroom devices via a control panel on a lectern or on wall, while school admins can manage all classroom devices and school AV distribution from a public CLOUD. We believe Q-NEX will be an indispensable part of modern digital school and smart city as well.


To experience the power of IQ interactive solutions, welcome to join us in next stop: 2020 InfoComm SEA in Thailand!

Marching forward in wind and rain, IQ appeared in ISE 2020


On Feb. 11 to Feb. 14th , 2020,  the largest audio-visual exhibition in Europe ISE 2020 (Integrated Systems Europe) was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During the period when China was suffering from the noval coronavirus, IQ, after careful consideration, decided to continue to participate in the ISE exhibition. Even during the outbreak IQ would not stop serving its customers.

In this ISE 2020, IQ exhibited IFP solution and remote controlling lifting mobile bracket

Interactive Display

IQTouch T Series

IQTouch T series combines 20 points multi-touch experience with stunning 4k image clarity. It is an Android 8.0 based interactive panel and loaded with Windows 10 Pro. Built-in annotation software makes on-screen annotations with ease while screen mirroring software gives teachers an enhanced presentation to collaborate with mobile technology more easily.

IQTouch X Series

Interactive panel IQTouch X series shares most of IQTouch T Series features. But it has 3 features that set it apart from IQTouch X series: 10-point capacitive touch, built-in HD camera providing 1080p video transmission and array microphone collecting sound within 10 meters.

IQTouch L Pro 

75inch IQTouch L Pro series support 20-point touch. Cooperated with IQ Conference camera and microphone, its built-in wireless screen projection software and whiteboard software can achieve an interactive conference solution.

Lifting Mobile Bracket

Double-column lifting mobile bracket (WSD-DT-K)

The double-column bracket WSD-DT-K enables the IFP to lie flat as an interactive table. In addition to controlling with the remote control, the bracket itself also has buttons to control the lifting and angle.

Single-column lifting mobile bracket (WSD-DT-J)

The single-column lifting bracket WSD-DT-J can not only control the lifting of IFP but also the tilt Angle of IFP until it lies flat.

Lifting mobile bracket (WSD-DT-E)

The double-column bracket WSD-DT-E can support big-size IFPs and the lifting of IFP by remote control.

IQ will keep moving forward and providing professional services for global education market. Welcome to Join us!

Wanna know more information?  Just visit our webiste: and contact us!

IQBoard at Bett UK 2020


The First Stop on IQ Board 2020 Calendar 

With more than 15 years’ experience in educational technology, IQ Board is one of the leading providers of all-in-one classroom technology solution. This new year IQ Board brings new IQTouch Sync Solution (IQTouch C Pro + IQ Memo Board) and T-series & X-series interactive panels to Bett Show on Stand SG25 on Jan. 22-Jan.25. 

Let’s take a closer look at the new products:

IQTouch Sync Solution

The IQTouch Sync Solution combines interactive panel IQTouch C Pro with IQ Memo Board, which allows teachers to demonstrate their lesson plan on IQTouch C Pro while annotate on IQ Memo Board to provide enhanced intuitive and integrated learning experience.

IQTouch C Pro:

Powered by Android 8.0 as well as Windows 10 Pro;

Features 20 points of multi-touch;

IQ Memo Board:

Uses 4mm tempered glass anti-explosive screen protector;

Provides 7 hotkeys to speed up accessing many of the features;

Features 10 points of multi-touch;


IQTouch T Series

IQTouch T series combines 20 points multi-touch experience with stunning 4k image clarity. It is an Android 8.0 based interactive panel and loaded with Windows 10 Pro. Built-in annotation software makes on-screen annotations with ease while screen mirroring software gives teachers an enhanced presentation to collaborate with mobile technology more easily.


IQTouch X Series

Interactive panel IQTouch X series shares most of IQTouch T Series features. But it has 3 features that set it apart from IQTouch X series: 10-point capacitive touch, built-in HD camera providing 1080p video transmission and array microphone collecting sound within 10 meters.


Explore more! Join us for the next stop: IQ Booth-13-B116, ISE 2020 in Amsterdam.

What is an IQ Interactive Display?


Today’s business environment is fast-paced, fueled by a variety of devices such as tablets, laptops, smart phones, and desktop computers. These are the devices used to carry out most of our daily operations. The technological advancements of these devices enable companies to boost productivity and deliver premium services and products to their clients.

One of the most impactful technologies available today is an interactive display system. Interactive displays can be integrated into an array of devices, depending on your needs. Interactive displays not only allow teachers and presenters to share information more clearly, but their touchscreen capabilities also facilitate a more engaging experience for the entire audience. While traditional keyboard and stylus input options are available, today’s?leading interactive displays feature multi-touch controls that recognize up to 20 simultaneous points of touch, like IQTouch interactive display new series, which all support 20 points touch.

Interactive displays are powerful presentation tools. Make a statement when meeting with a significant client-utilizing an interactive display is a great way to convey information professionally. For example, IQTouch interactive display new series all are with 4k resolution, which enable crystal clear presentations.

What’s more, interactive displays give you the ability to manipulate on-screen data. Like IQTouch interactive display new series, which are bundled with free learning software and annotation tools. Additionally, should you need to pull up a video presentation or conduct an impromptu video conference call in the middle of your session, integrated software suites give you the ability to minimize your work with a simple gesture, just like a PC or tablet.

Choosing the Right Classroom Interactive Touch Screen


Gone are the days when investing in classroom technology meant nothing more exciting than choosing which colour of chalk to buy for the board. The communications revolution is advancing at a dizzying rate, and educators have to keep pace - or fall from grace. Especially as modern students are cyber savvy with an aptitude for apps and teachers are hungry for better engagement and group collaboration.

As educators and schools strive to find ways to better engage students and motivate learning, they are recognizing that using interactive HD technology in the classroom is key. In these tips we highlight the top five things to think about when making this purchase.


1. Display Screen

All displays are LCD; they are backlit by LEDs or CCFLs. LED backlighting provides a brighter picture and is more energy-efficient. Don’t strain your brain over the acronyms – LCD/LED tends to be the better choice.

2. Display Size

Students should be able to easily read 20-point type from the farthest point away from the display in the classroom. To make that determination, use this simple equation: 3X the diagonal screen size = the farthest distance from which a student can easily read the text on the display. A 70 in. display can thus serve students as far away as 17.5 ft (5.3 m), and an 84 in. display can serve students as far away as 21 ft (6.5 m). 

3. Plug-n-play Interfaces

Certain connections must be a given for your display to transmit and receive the necessary data effectively. So use this as your guide: 2 HDMI, 1 VGA, a stereo connection if you are using VGA, and a microphone port if you will be using a microphone.

4. Multiple touch points

Here’s what touch points really mean to an educator. If an interactive flat panel display has 6 touch points, there can be as many as 6 students at the display, each using a single touch point (one finger or a stylus). Or, 3 students can each use 2 fingers to manipulate and move objects on the display. To find out how many touch points you need, ask yourself these two questions: How many students will I typically have working at the display? How many students can comfortably work at the display at the same time? 

5. Software

Make sure that the software that comes with it gives you more than drivers and a slide show. You want to select software that can actually enable and engage learning – software that offers collaboration opportunities, provides assessment, and integrates with mobile learning.

5 Benefits of Using Interactive Touch Screen in the Classroom


Interactive learning is well-established as a powerful educational technique, and modern technologies excel at involving students in more lessons than ever before.  Touch boards are driving group learning to a new level of relevance and engagement. The latest touch displays allow all students – including those with disabilities – to become more engaged with the curriculum being taught. These interactive boards are intuitive technologies that allow students to experience touch, gestures, and engagement with the content, the learning, and each other in new ways.

Interactive touch screen are a great educational tool that many classrooms utilize these days. They’re beneficial with a mixture of purposes, from helping teacher lesson plan to helping students increase their learning confidence. Below are some of the key benefits offered by interactive touch screens in the classroom:

1. Engagement is dramatically heightened with multiple touch and gesture interactivity. Teachers sometime find trouble getting their students to engage with the classroom and the work and information that is being presented. Luckily, the interactivity of the panels puts that worry to an end and provides students with the perfect tools to engage and mingle with the information being presented.

2. Collaboration is brought to a new level, with the ability to have up to six different students or student/teacher combinations working together in real time on the board. Interactive touch screen features multi-touch capabilities that let students gain hands-on learning opportunity. It is easier for students to work together in pairs when there are interactive panels in place.

3. Benefits for kinesthetic learners, helping them to learn more easily.

? Kinesthetic learners are students who need to move – who have trouble sitting still at their desks. They appreciate the ability to get up and interact physically with this technology.
? Kinesthetic learners learn by doing. This technology provides real opportunities to be “doing things” at the front of the classroom display, versus just taking in a lecture from their desk.

4. Unique & Flexible Classroom: Why do the same things that other teachers are doing when it’s possible to be unique and offer students a flexible, fun engaging classroom that helps them learn in a fun and exciting way? It’s the updated way to teach students their lessons.


Interactive touch screen brings a plethora of benefits to the classroom. The four above just touch the surface of the many that you can enjoy and expect. To learn more about this collaborative solution, you can contact us to know about the details.

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