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Wanna Buy an Interactive Digital Display?Ask These 10 Questions First


If you are going to buy an interactive digital display, what is your idea? Consider about the price? Or, the display size? This article will talk about things to consider about before you buy an interactive digital display.

1: Size and space are often a key factor, so choose a display provider that offers a wide range of screen sizes.

2: If you’re looking to add the interactive display to an existing setup, is the interactive display brand you are considering a “closed architecture” product? Or is it an open architecture solution that will integrate smoothly with your existing videoconferencing, cameras, software and other equipment?

3: Does the brand of interactive display you are considering have Windows embedded, or does it let you run the displays from your own OS that’s already approved by your IT department?

4: Will the purchase of the interactive display also require proprietary annotation software, proprietary cameras for video-conferencing, etc. in addition to the flat panel or projector-based display for the system to work optimally?

5: When it comes to using the displays, will the interactive display vendor require software licensing for all of your staff, adding further initial setup costs.

6: Enquire as to whether annotation and collaboration software is included in the price of the interactive display. Furthermore, will staff need training to operate the interactive display?

7: Does the interactive display use a third-party touch overlay for the multi-touch functions, or is it integrated into the design of the interactive display from the start of design/engineering?

8: For true collaboration, consider how many users can use the interactive display simultaneously. Enquire as to how many touch points the display you are considering will support.

9: If you’re looking to set up your display for interaction with multiple users, will it work in a BYOD (bring your own device) environment?

10: Will the interactive display perform additional digital signage functions if needed?

Interactive digital displays based on an open architecture model are proving to be the best way to seamlessly integrate new advanced interactive display solutions into the classroom or meeting room. Increasingly, organizations are doing this at a more modest cost, while simultaneously taking advantage of existing best practices and existing AV and video-conferencing equipment and software investments in the user’s organization.

What is the Best Interactive Whiteboard for Educational Use?


Interactive whiteboards are more than just an enhanced way to display and interact with a digital image. As with all educational technology, interactive whiteboards need to be used as a tool to facilitate learning, and certain features may be more helpful to a classroom than others.

Interactive displays can be important tools for classrooms, by encouraging collaboration and learning among the students. 


There are many Supplier for Interactive displays in the market today. However, in order to choose from these options, it is crucial to understand the basic requirements for your educational institution.

1. Classroom Size

What is the average size of your classroom? This should serve as the basis for choosing the size of the screen you choose. Generally, flat panels in the range from 55’’ to 98’’ are suitable for mid-size classrooms, allowing even students at the back to see the screen clearly.

2. Interactivity

The class format is another consideration to keep in mind while making your final decision. For instance - Are you expecting to have many interactive projects, with groups of 10 or more? In this case, it would be a good idea to go for an AV solution, which offers multiple touch points for your students to work together at a time.

3. Resolution

Screen resolution can change the viewing experience completely – offering sharpness and clarity in the display. You can work with your vendor/distributor to understand the suitable level of resolution you should take up. A good option is to go for either an HD display (1920 x 1080 pixels), commonly called 1080p, or an Ultra HD display usually 3840 x 2160 pixels or known as 4K.


Once you have decided your requirements in terms of the above points, it becomes easier to shortlist the right brand for your business.

No matter where you are, we can help! Drop us a quick free demo request here

Finding the Best Classroom Interactive Display


All interactive display technologies rely on embedded interactive software to deliver annotation capabilities and other collaborative features. As the interactive display market evolved to include new technologies, many IWB manufacturers began to periodically tweak their licensing and usage requirements, however most continue to include licensing and usage restrictions. 


So which type of interactive display is the best ?

Each of the available technologies present relative advantages and limitations. The key to choosing the best fit for a given installation is to carefully evaluate the particular circumstances, including budget, content to be displayed, room size, audience, ambient light, and other environmental factors.

For interactive whiteboard, One of the primary advantages of the interactive whiteboard is its familiarity. Many instructors have used an interactive whiteboard in the past, are currently using one, know others who have used them or were exposed to them during their own teaching education.

For interactive flat panels, interactive flat panel displays bring both added image clarity and greater enthusiasm to the classroom. Excitement and interest are generated by the appeal of the huge, iPad-like device, which functions as easy as a familiar tablet. One important factor in the long life of LED displays is that they have no moving parts. By contrast, projectors rely on cooling by fans, which are particularly likely to fail after extended use, and whose lifespan is even shorter in dusty environments such as many classrooms. 

Technology in the Classroom


As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. 

There are two main reasons for this:

Schools are on the fence about the use of certain mobile devices; thinking they're more a burden than a strategic learning tool.

Schools want to deploy mobile devices but their WiFi networks are not capable of properly supporting the technology

Not only for schools, for students, there are several reasons why your students need technology in the classroom.

1)  If used correctly, mobile devices and the applications they support, will help prepare students for their future careers.

2)  Integrating technology into the classroom is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles.

3)  It gives students the opportunity to enhance the interaction with their classmates and instructors by encouraging collaboration.

4)  Using technology in the classroom gives teachers and other faculty members the opportunity to develop their student's digital citizenship skills. It's one thing to use mobile devices, it's a completely other thing to know how to use them correctly and responsibly.

5)  Integrating technology in education helps students stay engaged. Most students today have been using mobile devices like tablets and phones to play and learn since they could crawl. So it only seems logical to align today's classrooms with the way that your students want and are used to learning.

6) Interactive Whiteboards

Special pens are no longer needed and one can operate the board with just the touch of a finger.Also IWBs allow users to connect to them with wireless devices to project their screen image on the board from throughout the classroom.


Technology occupies an important place within students’ lives. When they are not in school, just about everything that they do is connected in some way to technology. By integrating technology into the classroom, teachers are changing the way they used to teach (lectures for six hours a day) and providing students with the tools that will take them into the 21st century.

Technology changes by the minute, and as educators we need to keep up with the times in order to best prepare our students for this ever-changing world that we live in. While we just saw how integrating technology into the classroom has its benefits, it’s important to note that traditional learning processes are just as essential. Take time to learn about each element of ed-tech that you will incorporate into your classroom. When you do, you will find that technology can have a profound impact on your students learning.

Why Need an Interactive Display in Your Classroom/Office?


In our fast paced tech-driven world, capturing the hearts of children is a challenge. Keeping their attention is an even bigger challenge. The best teaching is an art and a science. Educators are integrating technology in the classroom with amazing results. Interactive Displays are an innovation that many classrooms and offices are beginning to adopt. So, an interactive display in your classroom and office is a necessity.

This article will discuss benefits that interactive display will enhance your classroom and office.

1. Benefits of the Interactive Displays in the Classroom


Teachers globally have already discovered the power that that touch screen technology can have in a classroom. It’s helping their students to learn more in a shorter space of time, but despite the benefits of these touch displays, not every country is on track with integrating this technology in their classrooms. 

With these touch displays used in the education sector, students can be engaged with participatory lessons that are designed to reinforce skills with multi-sensory and collaborative learning. Instruction techniques from years past simply can’t keep up with today’s hyper-connected youth. Notes can be stored and shared and students outside the classroom will still have access to data.


2. Benefits of Interactive Displays in the office


When it comes to the boardroom, ideation and dispersal of information are important elements of productive meetings and more than 125 blue-chip (Fortune 500) companies in over 50 countries around the world are using visual collaboration solutions in industries such as financial services, manufacturing and advanced technology. Whether your team members are most productive in one-on-one informal collaborations or formal presentations and training, you never lose an innovative idea and can make effective and timely decisions. Instead of spending 30 minutes on one-way presentations on a traditional touch screen or slide across a PowerPoint, an interactive display enables meeting participants to fully engage with the information being discussed. Access to information is also more effective since files can be easily shared, accessed, edited, and saved all on the touch screen. You can iterate in real-time, editing and making changes as you receive feedback from your colleagues.


Are you currently using touch screens in your classroom or business? How has the technology affected day-to-day operations? For more insights on touch screen technology and solutions that cater to your individual needs, connect with us today and join our growing community.

Choose Right Interactive Display for Classroom


Whole-class learning is a key aspect of the modern classroom, but how do you find the right solution for your school? There are a variety of options, this article will talk about how to choose the right display for your classroom.

1. LED & LCD

All displays are LCD; they are backlit by LEDs or CCFLs. LED backlighting provides a brighter picture and is more energy-efficient. Don’t strain your brain over the acronyms – LCD/LED tends to be the better choice.

2. Screen Size

There are several screen sizes for choice in each LCD touch panel series. Students should be able to easily read 20-point type from the farthest point away from the display in the classroom. To make that determination, use this simple equation: 3X the diagonal screen size = the farthest distance from which a student can easily read the text on the display. A 70 in. display can thus serve students as far away as 17.5 ft (5.3 m), and an 84 in. display can serve students as far away as 21 ft (6.5 m). 

3. Multiple ports for external connection

Certain connections must be a given for your display to transmit and receive the necessary data effectively. For example, 2 HDMI, 1 VGA, a stereo connection if you are using VGA, and a microphone port if you will be using a microphone.

4. Multi points touch

 To find out how many touch points you need, ask yourself these two questions: How many students will I typically have working at the display? How many students can comfortably work at the display at the same time? 

5. Software

 Make sure that the software that comes with it gives you more than drivers and a slide show. You want to select software that can actually enable and engage learning – software that offers collaboration opportunities, provides assessment, and integrates with mobile learning.


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