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What Is Classroom Management and Why Is It Important?


Classroom Management Definition

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention.

 Effective classroom management is an absolute must. It impacts your ability to be an effective educator and enjoy your job, and it impacts your students’ success as learners. If your classroom is out of control, it won’t matter how passionate you are about your subject or how much you are truly dedicated to children, learning will be negatively impacted.


Why is Classroom Management important?

  In addition to being highly knowledgeable in the subject matter, teachers also need to know how to manage classroom dynamics effectively. This entails organizational and disciplinary skills that both help make different types of classroom interactions more systematic and aligned with the learning objectives. Otherwise, classes that are conducted by teachers with very minimal classroom management skills tend to produce less favorable outcomes, such as low student achievements. Some studies, in fact, suggest that when teachers are inefficient at managing disruptive classroom behavior, the average pace of cognitive development among all students suffer greatly.

  Luckily, there is no shortage of resources available to help you master the art of classroom management. There are mountains of books, podcasts, seminars, and classes dedicated to the subject. We’ve teased out the main components from some of our favorites to help you begin.

First, take time to build relationships with students.

Get to know your students. What are their strengths? Their challenges? What are they really into? Investing in them as individuals builds trust, and that is the key to successful classroom management. Integrate social-emotional learning into your day. Teaching your students social-emotional skills builds a cohesive classroom community.

Second, Have a plan.

Nothing beats a comprehensive strategy for achieving learning goals. Each learning session must follow a pre-planned outline that details 1) the expected learning outcomes; 2) how the teacher is to introduce, demonstrate, or explain a lesson or subject matter; 3) the techniques by which the teacher will motivate the class to actively participate in the learning process; 4) how the students will participate; and 5) the alternative strategies in case the actual learning outcomes and student behavior are not what has been expected.

Third, have clear, reliable routines and procedures.

Clarify the goals you want your students to achieve and the ways by which they can achieve them. Never appear to be disorganized to your students. Be consistent in order to set an example and establish a clear system for different classroom activities.

Fourth, Practice authority positively.

Maintain a positive and accessible demeanor so that your students will be encouraged to communicate. Practice the so-called three F’s required of successful educators: firmness, fairness, and friendliness.

Fifth,Class Management Techniques

Finally,keep your sense of humor.

Managing a classroom can be a grind, so find ways to have a laugh instead of pulling your hair out. Kids will be kids.And humor helps us keep our perspective, so we can help our students along in the kindest and most effective way.

I am IQ Baby of IQ Returnstar Technology on Children’s Day


Saturday, June 1, 2019, is a rainy day good for making friends, hanging out, and having fun. I came to my mother's work place on this day, it is so beautiful and big, and I got a lot of gifts here.
Many children are here, and also many uncles and aunts. They are my parent's colleagues, but today they are our big friends, and they will play games with us.
I only took a puppy balloon from the clown, and this uncle took a balloon so big!

Mom, these two aunts are playing games with the clown.

Take all the children's balloons!

Mom, I want clown wings, too!

So many children like the balloon of the clown. and the clown can do magic, I really hope I can see him every day!
I played a few games here and some are too difficult for me. One of my favorite games is catching goldfish, which has many small toys of my favorite.

Some elder children are doing really good, and they can catch a lot for one time.

There is a touch-deer-nose game, and one of the elder girl touched the nose of deer all at once.

The most difficult game is to guess the riddle inside the gold egg. I really cannot guess any of them, either of my mom, but several children’s parents have guessed it out. 

My most memorable game is to throw a ball with my mom! I throw, and my mom catch. My throwing is very accurate, but my mom always can't catch it, and other children and their parents are doing very well.

There is a transporting ping-pong game which require me and my mom to cooperate with the transport , but I can not do it well. There is a child do it well all at once, and I really want to be friends with her!

Later, we gathered together to dance. During the dancing, we all became flying birds, just like the birds painted on the pictures! We also made small cute pen-holders!

Finally, the staff of my mom's company brought us a lot of delicious snacks! and also the relaxing bear toy, I am very happy!

I have known a lot of good friends on the day, and I really hope to see them next year!

Why Use Interactive Whiteboards in Classroom?

     An interactive whiteboard, also known as a smartboard, is an interactive display in the format of a whiteboard that could react to user input either directly or through other devices.

Based on the standard whiteboard’s extensive use for people to share information, present information, engage in collaborative brainstorming, and develop ideas, interactive whiteboard have the ability to connect to the internet and instantly digitize tasks and operations.

Interactive whiteboards are widely used in classrooms, boardrooms, engineering, coaching and the strategic planning of many types of projects. According to the Becta Harnessing Technology Schools Survey in 2007, 98% of British secondary schools and 100% British primary schools had an interactive whiteboard in use.

IQ Board Interactive Whiteboard uses various technology, like Infrared technology, Digital Vision Touch technology, PCT(Projected Capacitive Touch)technology etc..

The Benefits of IQ Board Interactive Whiteboard:

1. IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards give teachers an impressive array of tools. It’s designed for education come with excellent lesson planning and construction tools, which solves most of the lesson planning issues. Once a teacher gets used to the software, they can develop lessons in a matter of minutes that are visually stimulating for students. As such, it’s safe to assume that students will respond better to instruction and retain more information following the lesson.

2. IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards also give teachers immediate feedback. The software with quick assessment could allow teachers to know exactly where students are struggling before they are graded on their knowledge attachment. With quick assessment, rapid response questions can be formed in seconds and the answers delivered to the teacher’s device or desktop. Students don’t see each other’s results, so they can answer without reservation. And educators know exactly who needs more instruction and on which topics.

3. IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards implement the mode of interactive teaching between teachers and students, which could get students involved. This is especially useful with younger students who aren’t as affected by stage fright. In addition to lesson planning and rapid response software, IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards also come preconfigured with quizzing software delivered in a game-like format. Students are encouraged to answer questions about math, science or language, and compete against each other or against a timer. This adds another engaging element to a lesson and can fire students up to pay attention.

4. IQ Board Interactive Boards encourage group collaboration. Collaboration is a guiding principle in the business world, and it is increasingly being adopted for use in the classroom as well. Some IQ interactive whiteboards can be split-screened so that multiple students can use them at once. And if total collaboration is desired, IQ Interactive Boards can be installed at desk pods for group use or designed for connectivity with student devices, allowing students to add media from their desks or even from home.

     IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards are one of the most open-ended solutions available through A/V integrators. They combine function and flash, along with a deep roster of tools that both educators and business managers can put to excellent use.

How to Choose Interactive Whiteboards for the Classroom?


  In an age where interactive whiteboard and projection systems have become common place in the classroom, the advancing technological revolution is driving this arena to new heights.

  It’s important your interactive whiteboard helps students achieve learning goals by promoting critical thinking and keeping students engaged in lessons. The only problem is choosing the right one for you and your students. It’s no easy task, as there’s plenty of hype and jargon to be navigated. Luckily we’ve done the work for you, so here’s our top tips for buying the best interactive whiteboards for your classroom.

1. Size and Design

Flat panel interactive whiteboards which are suitable for most classroom sizes range from 55” to 98”, with the most popular sizes being in the range 65” to 84”. The size of the room should dictate the size of your screen. The basic rule is that the screen should be large enough to allow the students at the back of the class to be able to easily read a 20pt font.

Their weights range from 38Kg to over 100Kg in some cases so the logistics for installation and feasibility of wall and room mounting positions needs to be carefully considered for safety reasons.

       Besides the size, one must check for the availability of multi touch points and active projection dimension the other important attribute is the resolution that the whiteboard offers. The Operating system of the whiteboard must be selected with attention to detail.

2. Resolution is Key

  The resolution defines the sharpness and clarity of any visual panel and is the number of pixels (individual points of colour) contained within the screen. The resolution is defined as the number of pixels in the horizontal axis X the number in the vertical axis. The higher the resolution, the sharper and crisper the image.

In today’s environment, nothing less than standard High Definition 1080P (1920×1080) should be considered. Some interactive whiteboards are now also available in Ultra High Definition which is referred to in the industry as 4K (3840×2160). For example, our IQ Board Interactive Whiteboards Series are all 4K resolution.

3. Lifespan

  It’s always worth knowing the expected lifespan of the interactive panels you are considering along with the warranty terms of each device.

Our advice to anyone looking to purchase interactive panels would be to dismiss any vendor offering less than a 3 year warranty.

4. Touch Function

One of the main reasons to buy an interactive whiteboard is, of course, to touch and tap the screen while making use of recognized gestures to perform daily tasks on the device.

Youll need at least two touch points to pinchor zooman image if using the interactive panel on your own. However, invite students to engage and collaborate at the front of class and suddenly you need many more interactive touch points per screen.

Most interactive touch screens are available with 6 or 10 simultaneous touch points. Our advice would be to only consider interactive screens with 6 or more touch points.

5. The driving force.

 What you need to be clear on is how you intend to use your interactive panel, what classroom software you need to be working with and what PC, laptop or integrated blade style PC you will need to guarantee you that performance. Alongside this consideration, you also need to select an interactive panel which offers you adequate input and output connections.

Reputable interactive panel manufacturers will offer 2 or more HDMI inputs, a VGA input, Component, AV and PC audio inputs as a minimum. On top of this, you should expect at least one USB2.0 port and one USB 3.0 port with possible connectivity of such devices along the front of the screen for easy access.

6. Networking

All interactive screens which boast integrated Android or Windows players should come with an Ethernet network interface (LAN- RJ45 Connection) or with embedded Wi-Fi capability.

7. The Sound

Most reputable interactive panels should include some form of integrated speaker system although in some cases, these speakers are deemed unsuitable for a large classroom environments.It is common to find only 2 x 10 watt speakers in most interactive panels which in most cases are rear facing.

However, facing speakers are present. These do make a significant improvement in volume and sound quality compared to screens with rear facing speakers. However, additional sound bars are readily available, are low cost and integrate nicely underneath most manufacturers interactive panels, further improving the sound quality and potential volume levels achievable within the classroom environment.

8. Software

   Interactive whiteboard is equipped with software. It can be called a software interactive whiteboard. Software for the IWB's are designed for delivering different teaching - learning experiences. Software supporting touch and stylus pen are used for interactive discussions within the group, forming a digital narrative, lessons for specific topics of different subjects, real-time lessons and presentations. The interactive whiteboard can provide enough variety to accommodate the different learning styles of the pupils in the class.

9.  Multi-student Participation

If youre looking to facilitate more collaboration and interaction between students in your classroom, youll want to look into purchasing an interactive whiteboard that allows for multiple students to interact with the projected media. Multi-student participation allows for group work and presentations, broadening lesson plans and increasing student engagement.

Seize the sparkle of intelligence——IQ in GESS 2019


As one of the most influential educational exhibitions in the Middle East, GESS Dubai has always been a concern for practitioners in the world. IQ with its core products to attend the GESS 2019, continuously enhanced itself through exchanges and cooperation with top peers around the world, and contributes to the development of education in the Middle East. Our booth was A30 this year.

IQAiOGR519 NEW Model has been exhibited, with OPS, audio amplifier, wireless microphone and can power on/off the unit and projector with one button. In addition, it uses infrared touch technology to support 10-point touch and can be connected to the?external document camera. The concise appearance design is ideal for medium-sized classrooms or conference rooms. The IQAiO can also be used with the wireless document camera which exhibited at the same time.

The wireless document camera IQView E3820 and IQView E3821 use 2.4G wireless technology. Teachers can get rid of the shackles of the wires and supports take the IQView to the student seat, so that each student can display his own learning results. IQView can be wirelessly connected to the teacher’s computer, interactive whiteboard, interactive flat panel, or offline to be used.

IQ received a lot of consultations from customers, including star products – IQTouch C Pro with built-in wireless presentation system. IQTouch C Pro cooperates with the wireless IQShare Lite so that computer and the interactive flat panel can be real-time synchronized. Which improve classroom or meeting interactive efficiency.

Of course, our products are more than just these, find more details with the official website: or send us an email at and look forward to working with you!

Exchanging gifts party of IQ members at Christmas of 2018


When the bell rings for Christmas 2018, Santa Claus arrives at IQ on his reindeer sleigh! Our Christmas activity — “Exchanging gifts at Christmas” finished with joy and laughter.

We use the 7-meter-long IQBoard PCT to show the party introduction to our mates.

Part One

At 9:00 a.m. on December 24th, Our Company was bedecked with baubles and awash with Christmas cheer. IQ members piled small gifts they had prepared carefully under the Christmas tree.

Everybody was?very?pleased to?see?Xmas?decorations.

Part Two

At 3:00 PM on December 25th, with the familiar melody of “Jingle Bells. Our Christmas activities started on time.Picked a number in the box, selected the paired gift, opened it with great interest; someone was surprised by the favorite gift while someone was amused by the spoof one. What an unforgettable memory for IQ members!


Part Three

Here comes the first, second and third Christmas prize!

Our Santa Claus — President Yang?? wearing a funny Hogwarts style Christmas hat to pick the first, second and third prize.

The first prize went to President assistant-HuiJu, ??What a surprise!?? She said, ??This is just what I want??!

This Christmas activity promotes the friendships among IQ members and warms the whole winter.

We are looking forward to the surprises of next year’s Christmas IQ.


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