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Everything You Need to Know about Tailored Learning

Everything You Need to Know about Tailored Learning


Tailored learning is an assisted kind of learning that an educator or a mentor can provide their students with to facilitate them in the best ways possible. However, when working in a teaching environment, you encounter challenges related to students' learning, understanding, and processing abilities. This makes the need for an effective methodology to teach the students very necessary and in demand.

Every student and every learner process the education, and information is given to them according to their capabilities and mode of delivery. Each student has a different approach towards their learning environment, be it more of a comfort zone or a struggle zone learning. The delivery method should be enough to trigger a struggling learning area to make the student struggle while being comfortable and not prone to failure.

Giving students a choice in their learning activities, including the assignment, the application situation, and the evaluation style, supports the variety of difficulties needed while fostering student accountability for their learning. Students can effectively demonstrate their mastery of a subject by using application situations with varying degrees of difficulty, for instance. The student chooses the application-style question or scenario that places the student in their problem area. Extensions of class discussions, reviews of previously taught material, or brand-new scenarios that have never been covered in class are all examples of these learning exercises.

With different methodologies and tailored learning like classroom technology or with times changing, online learning ensures the right amount of education is delivered in time. Therefore, it is essential in a learning environment for an educator to understand a learner's needs and effectively use the proper technique and assistance to aid their students.

Technology aid:

With the advent of new technology, education has undergone a radical transformation. Portable, personal laptops with a stylus, such as Chromebooks or Surface Pros

Since a few years ago, pupils have been able to submit assignments that incorporate images, sound, video, animations, interactive graphics, intelligent maps, and presentations.

However, more than simply having and utilizing technology in teaching and learning is required. A rigorous, ethical approach is necessary to make the most of technology and transform the ideals of individualized learning into practical applications.

There are several methods available for teachers to consider that can assist in addressing learner variability; here are just a few examples:

Digital blackboard: It helps to have a visual method of learning for a lot of students

There is still a place for teacher-led education despite the personalization of learning and increased use of technology in the classroom. Additionally, it does not imply that teachers must spend hours after school daily planning personalized lessons for every student in the class. Instead, the key is to engage students where they are and support their growth by giving them a variety of methods to interact with the material, absorb it, and demonstrate their comprehension.

Every child is unique, with their traits, abilities, difficulties, and learning styles. As a result, they have a wide range of demands, and there are numerous ways teachers can successfully satisfy those needs in the classroom and for independent study and learning at home.

How tailored learning can be achieved?

This goal can be achieved through multiple ways and one of them is IQ board classroom technology.

An IQ board is an interactive whiteboard that uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the needs of individual students. These boards are equipped with a variety of sensors and other advanced technology that allow them to analyze student behavior, track progress, and provide personalized feedback.

IQ boards can be used in a variety of settings, including classrooms, lecture halls, and other educational spaces. They are typically connected to a computer or other device that allows teachers to display and interact with multimedia content, such as videos, presentations, and games.

How do IQ boards work?

IQ boards use a variety of sensors and other technology to analyze student behavior and adapt to their needs. For example, some IQ boards use facial recognition software to detect when a student is struggling or needs additional help. Other IQ boards use eye tracking technology to monitor student engagement and attention.

Based on this data, the IQ board can adjust the content and pace of the lesson to better meet the needs of each student. For example, if a student is having difficulty understanding a concept, the IQ board might provide additional explanations or examples to help them grasp the material.

What are the benefits of using an IQ board in the classroom?

There are several benefits to using IQ boards in the classroom, including:

· Personalized learning: IQ boards allow teachers to tailor their lessons to the needs of each student, providing a more personalized learning experience. This digital blackboard for teaching can help students feel more engaged and motivated, leading to improved academic performance.

· Enhanced engagement: IQ boards are interactive and engaging, which can help keep students focused and engaged during lessons. This can lead to increased participation and collaboration among students.

· Improved assessment: IQ boards can track student progress in real-time, allowing teachers to quickly identify areas where students are struggling and provide additional support. This can help improve student learning outcomes.

· Greater accessibility: IQ boards can be used to provide learning resources to students with disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments.


· Increased efficiency: IQ boards can save time for teachers by automating certain tasks, such as tracking student progress, online teaching and providing feedback. This can allow teachers to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

How can teachers effectively use IQ boards in the classroom?

There are several strategies that teachers can use to effectively incorporate IQ boards into their classrooms:

· Start small: It's important not to try to do too much too soon when introducing IQ boards into the classroom. Start with a few simple activities and gradually build up to more complex tasks as students become more comfortable with the technology.

· Encourage student participation: IQ boards are most effective when students are actively engaged in the learning process. Encourage students to ask questions, contribute to discussions, and participate in activities on the board.

· Use multimedia content: IQ boards are a great way to bring multimedia content into the classroom. Use videos, presentations, and games to supplement your lessons and make them more engaging for students.

· Provide regular feedback: Use the data provided by the IQ board to track student progress and provide regular feedback to help them improve their understanding of the material.

  IQ and Q-NEX Lecture Capture Classroom Solution combines the advantageous aspects of  online education and in-person teaching. Teachers and students in both online and physical classroom. Hybrid Learning Solution realizes a real visual classroom without walls as well as adapts to the epidemic or recovery.

Using Technology to Make Teachers the Best of Them

Using Technology to Make Teachers the Best of Them


With times changing and with the modern and latest equipment and technology taking over, our educators must be familiar with the use of technology to become better in terms of teaching and guiding. To bring change in our educational system with technology, first, our educators need to indulge themselves with technology to understand it better and properly use it.

Teachers can employ various technological tools both within and outside the classroom to improve students' learning. Many online materials discuss how to use technology to enhance teaching in multiple ways. For example, interactive technology, IQ touch solutions, touch screen display programs, online whiteboard classrooms and many other innovations.

Delivering effective continuing professional development to teachers and educators is challenging for education systems. Delivering on this promise is particularly difficult in light of the learning crisis, particularly in environments with limited resources. In addition, teachers must regularly change their pedagogical approaches to consider their students' changing demands as well as new realities like blended learning and distance learning models.

Teachers' impact on students:

Teachers have a significant impact on students' learning. Educators disperse academic information—teachers model social and emotional learning. Effective teachers improve long-term outcomes for pupils. Teachers can be motivating.

They enter the field for various reasons, have families of their own to support, and, like most professionals, are motivated by rewards, support, accountability, and the calibre of management surrounding them. In essence, they comprise a system.

It can be complicated to get teacher policies right, and occasionally educational technology solutions can appear like a quick fix. It's alluring to look for the ideal app that would "disrupt" the educational process and enable nations to "leapfrog" to egalitarian, high-quality education without having to interact with these complex individuals close to the centre of the educational process (keeping students in the actual centre). Interventions in education technology have had both successes and failures. It is essential that if you are going to invest in technology, you may also want to invest in training, support, monitoring and maintenance to make it work. For it to work correctly, your teachers should be familiar with the system of technology. The growing responsibilities placed on teachers must be carefully considered as education systems move toward remote solutions, ensuring they are trained and supported.

Here are ways you can train your teachers:

· Mentor and guide educators; in-person coaching should be performed to train the educators.

· Complement the instructional expertise and content understanding of the instructor. Tablets were a valuable tool for giving teachers prepared lesson plans and other teaching aids, but only if teachers used them consistently over time.

· Establish online communities of practice for educators. Teachers should use social media sites to post videos of themselves teaching for friendly competitions and concerns about material and teaching methods.

· Organize your teachers well. View the attendance of the teachers online. To avoid undermining this system, ensure teachers are on board and offer support or voluntary opt-in with incentives.

· Functional teacher workforce deployment. Improve the distribution of teachers about where pupils are by using data systems.

· We are improving the appeal of the teaching profession. Delivering payment electronically will cut down on trouble and travel time. Offer tools for reporting complaints anonymously. Encourage high-achieving young people to become teachers by using the media.

Like textbooks, classrooms, and chalkboards, technology is not the answer. Still, it can assist instructors in honing their craft, using their talents best, and upholding their professional obligations. Evidence-based realism, rather than evidence-free optimism, should guide these investments regarding the systems' ability to maintain the technology, teachers' willingness to use it, and if the technology will outperform the less-expensive analogue alternative.

Technology has ingrained itself into every aspect of our existence. It wouldn't be inaccurate to argue that we rely heavily on technology and tools in our daily lives today.

Numerous new high-tech and low-tech resources (from synchronous activities requiring high-speed connectivity to resources delivered offline via radio, printed material, etc.) can provide teacher professional development solutions that can be applied "at scale" (regional, national, or global), with the potential to benefit and engage a large number of teachers, either remotely, face-to-face, or a combination of both.

How can teachers use technology to teach students:

· Using technology, teachers can take their pupils on virtual field trips.

· Teachers can graphically give lectures. 

· Online class scheduling is available for teachers.

· For struggling pupils, teachers can construct video lectures.

· Teachers can complete online tests and surveys to evaluate student achievement.

· Teachers can use technology to check for plagiarism in student-submitted projects and papers.

· Teachers can introduce education games to improve instruction.

Teachers can create a more direct, more effective learning experience using technology. Examples of this in action include: preparing for a digital world that is expanding rapidly. Mainly jobs frequently demand substantial computer expertise and internet communication tools like email. 

Technology also offers students quick access to knowledge, rapid learning, and enjoyable opportunities to put what they have learned into practice. In addition, it allows them to delve deeper into challenging ideas and explore new themes.

Why should teachers include technology in the classroom?

Technology Provides Instant Access to Knowledge - By utilizing technology in the classroom, teachers can help their students identify the appropriate sources and educate them on how to evaluate the accuracy of the material they find online.

IQClass solution mainly focuses on facilitating teaching and learning with educational hardware and software. Installing IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard or IQTouch Interactive Flat Panel built-in IQKitsMemos interactive whiteboard software with abundant teaching tools and resources, which creates a more collaborative and inspiring classroom environment.


Therefore, technology is the need of the modern era, especially for students to be head-to-head with contemporary society and the changing world. So, every educational institute should now pay more concern towards the education of educators to the proper use of technology to make this society better at coping with the modern means of education.

How I Conquered Academia And Curated A Learning Revolution

How I Conquered Academia And Curated A Learning Revolution


Disruptions in education are any activity likely to significantly or regularly disrupt instructional activities, including conferences with instructors outside of class, which is considered disruptive academic behaviour.

An extraordinary health crisis has recently rocked the cornerstone of the educational system. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a detailed picture of students' online learning experiences during the COVID-19 epidemic, given the uncertainty of today.

Due to the ever-growing impact of technology, the global landscape of education has undergone considerable changes since the 1990s. Adopting online learning in various learning environments, including formal and informal, academic and non-academic, residential and remote, is one such development. E-learning technologies that enable teachers to provide lessons interactively, distribute resources efficiently, and promote student cooperation and interaction have started to be adopted by schools, teachers, and students more and more.

Academic disruption:

Major academic disruptions like the one seen during this recent pandemic have given rise to various revolutionary changes in the educational and learning system. But, of course, whenever there's a disruption seen in any area, we can always appreciate a shift in that modality. Similarly, education faced a setback, especially a classroom learning or in-person classes, because of the highly contagious viral spread in the 2020s.

This disruption led to a learning revolution, and the world moved towards online and modern technology to continue academics. Formal education has been restricted for many years to a specific time of life and a different school or university building. That is about to change more than ever, like IQ board solutions, interactive technology and audio-visual services.

Learning revolution:

The system of education is evolving. In most wealthy nations, tried-and-true teaching techniques are at their breaking point. We need new requirements. Technology is becoming more and more critical in the quest for answers, enabling novel strategies like the "whiteboard classroom, hybrid learning, smart board for classrooms and audio-visual services" We frequently hear talk of an "education revolution," in which technology will cause a significant change in how schools and institutions operate.


IQ and Q-NEX as the education solution suppiler provide Lecture Capture Room Solution, which transforms the traditional classroom that relies on physical whiteboards, pens and erasers to smart teaching. The newly modern classroom empowers presenting technical knowledge and resource access on large touch screen, offering online and offline hybrid learning mode and device management system to centrally control the devices over the school.


The Way We Learn Will Change Education:

Fundamental transformations and upheavals frequently originate "from below"; they are usually the result of little actions made by many people instead of broad-reaching laws. For example, it has been the many individuals, not the politicians, who have chosen to adopt changes in everything from the car to the internet to the tablet to the iPhone, that is, in all the major upheavals that new technologies have generated in our lifestyle, culture, and working environment.

The good news is that a revolution is taking place. But the topic is not just related to educational systems. It is also about learning. People are taking control of their education. A brand-new generation of learning technology start-ups that aim to simplify learning for everyone has started a new trend. Their objective is not to change university or primary education curricula. Governments are not their clients; neither are nations or states. They only have an eye out for those who want to learn something—their users. And you can use this force very well.

However, technology does increase the number of things that are possible. Several examples of this include e-mail, smartphone cameras, and Wikipedia. All of these examples "replace" more traditional technology while simultaneously creating entirely new environments.

These changes are also occurring in the learning environment but outside of the conventional educational frameworks. Students need to participate more in this transformation process right now. They typically have a specific objective when preparing for their degrees and final tests. For example, conversing in French is less critical in formal education than passing a French exam. A degree or certificate is frequently just as valuable as accurate information or abilities.

Recent times: 

In recent times, the use of technology has completely changed modes of education. Education has been more pronounced via online and other education delivery methods. The traditional old-school kinds of notebook education have now reduced to online submission of typed assignments, online presentations and whatnot.

The way we think about education has changed as a result of technology. However, even though technology has given schools access to new materials, collaborative learning tools, and more flexibility, some teachers still need to be more convinced about the advantages it can bring to the classroom.

Despite how much time most students spend riveted to screens, technology cannot replace teachers, and virtual learning will never replace the relationship between teachers and students. In actuality, improvements in educational technology do not aim to replace educators or even conventional teaching techniques. Instead, many present teaching strategies are only a development of earlier approaches.

Teachers continue to be who they are and to teach those students.

The principles and goals that instructors uphold have remained the same.

Teachers' places of employment and reasons for doing what they do stay constant.

Put, although not by as much as you may imagine, teachers' methods of instruction have evolved.

Advantages of the learning revolution:

1. Increased student-teacher interaction

2. Higher efficiencies

3. More enlightening education

4. The lessened burden of assessment

They maximized the time for studying. Previously teachers used to struggle with needing to cover various topics in various ways so students could comprehend the knowledge. These days, several sophisticated technological tools make this job simpler.

This is one area in an educational system where technology helps. Modern technology provides approaches for various students, including gaming for visual learners, with different inventive ways to teach and learn.

For example, using an interactive flat panel, such as the IQTouch, can greatly increase student-teacher interaction in the classroom. Here are a few ways in which this technology can facilitate more interactive and engaging lessons:

l Collaborative learning: With an interactive flat panel, students and teachers can work together on projects and assignments in real-time. Using the panel's touchscreen and annotation capabilities, teachers can lead discussions and students can contribute their ideas and feedback.

l Visual aids: The IQTouch's high-resolution display allows teachers to display images, videos, and other multimedia content to help illustrate concepts and ideas. This can make lessons more interactive and engaging for students.

l Group work: The interactive flat panel's large size makes it easy for students to work in small groups and share their work with the class. This can foster teamwork and collaboration among students.

l Individualized learning: Teachers can use the panel to give students personalized feedback and track their progress. This can help tailor instruction to the needs of each student, increasing engagement and motivation.

So due to the passing of time and the fast technological revolution, academic disruption does lead to many changes in the learning capacities and technologies for delivering education. So far, it has been a positive change in the educational society. Using an interactive flat panel like the IQTouch can greatly enhance student-teacher interaction and create a more engaging and interactive learning environment.

Here is Why Co-teaching is Valuable But Hard to Get

Here is Why Co-teaching is Valuable But Hard to Get


Co-teaching is a part of teaching where more than one teacher collaborates to teach a group of students in a classroom, using a smart board for the school, a flat panel display, or a digital board for education like an IQ room.


Co-teaching, where two or more teachers collaborate to deliver instruction to a group of students, can be a valuable approach to education because it allows for a more diverse range of teaching styles and expertise, and can also provide more individualized attention to students.


However, co-teaching can also be challenging to implement, as it requires careful planning and coordination between teachers and a willingness to adapt to different teaching styles and approaches.


One challenge of co-teaching is finding the right balance between the roles and responsibilities of the co-teachers. It's important for both teachers to feel like they are contributing equally to the instruction and that their strengths are being utilized effectively. This can be difficult to achieve, especially if the co-teachers have different teaching styles or approaches.


Another challenge is finding the time and resources to plan and coordinate the co-teaching experience. This can be especially difficult in schools where teachers are already stretched thin and may not have the time or support to collaborate with another teacher.


One way that technology, such as an IQTouch interactive display, can help with co-teaching is by providing a shared platform for planning and delivering instruction. The display can be used to display and collaborate on lesson plans, as well as to present and demonstrate concepts to students. This can help to streamline the co-teaching process and make it easier for the teachers to work together effectively.


 IQTouch interactive touch screen will be your ideal option that multiple functions can be applied on education. It is an integrated product of computer, TV, speaker, whiteboard and projector, which provides powerful digital technology support for co-teaching and brings great convenience to the class.


In such a setting, the instructor will have less stress from completing all the work alone by having a second teacher in the classroom, and the children will receive the additional attention they require. In addition, this will help the students and the educators maintain healthy and proper communication between the students and teachers.


But at the same time, where this kind of collaborative teaching is helpful, there are also various problems with co-teaching, including needing more time to prepare, teachers who need to be more knowledgeable about it, and the wrong set of teachers working together. 


These minor difficulties may be resolved by setting up weekly co-teaching meetings, but pairing a general educator with a particular education specialist would be the most helpful solution. In secondary education, it will be beneficial to include a special educator alongside the ordinary instructor and provide them access to the same prep hour.


Difficulties faced by teachers:

One of the many reasons teachers quit their jobs is that they get too overloaded to plan for the following class or to prepare an additional activity for the course. But one straightforward repair, co-teaching, may eliminate all the overwhelmed and exhausted symptoms. Some teachers find joy in teaching alongside a coworker, while others find it extremely unsettling. This should be simple learning for students. In any circumstance, all teachers should be able to collaborate or, to put it another way, co-teach. There has been numerous research on co-teaching, and many know its advantages and disadvantages. Co-teaching should be seen positively rather than negatively.


Best way to co-teach:

There are numerous methods for carrying out co-teaching. A special education teacher and an administrator, for instance, or two general education teachers, one general education teacher, could be involved. One method that has proven successful in many circumstances is pairing an available education teacher with special education. With this co-op, the two parties have distinct tasks, and as they collaborate more and more over the years, they will develop a bond and be able to create an efficient co-teaching schedule for the classroom. The general education teacher can instruct in a way that is comfortable for them with the support of a special education teacher, who can simplify lessons or help students with disabilities learn in a way that benefits them.


This enables both educators to complement one another and create a unified teaching style that serves the general student body and children in special education.


Advantages of co-teaching:

· One person/teacher doesn't feel overwhelmed or overloaded by the amount of work

· It is less complicated

· Students feel seen and heard

· Communication between an educator and student becomes aided and easier

· Multiple tasks can be carried out at the same time

· All students can have their queries answered in a short amount of time


Disadvantages of co-teaching:

1. Co-teaching has produced many beautiful results, but there have also been some less-than-ideal circumstances. If two professors with very different teaching philosophies carry out a classroom, there will be apparent differences in the school. Such a classroom will be divided throughout the academic year, with one-half of the class is taught using one type of instruction and the other using a different approach. So sometimes, co-teaching is inappropriate for two teachers with the same degree but distinct teaching philosophies. To be effective in a classroom, both teachers must strike a balance, and for the teachers to mesh, their teaching styles must be similar or the same.


2. Another area for improvement with co-teaching is that teachers have little time to collaborate because there is so much more planning and preparation needed for the next day's session. It can be challenging for instructors to find time during or after school to coordinate what to accomplish for the next day or week of the school year, particularly with teachers interested in other after-school activities like coaching or tutoring. Due to this, teachers spend a significant portion of their free time preparing for class with a colleague. Teachers could become exhausted or overwhelmed after a year because of the long hours and the little pay they receive.


3. Many teachers want to avoid co-teaching since it needs more hours from them and more preparation. It also necessitates additional classes to train teachers for this new method of instruction. Because of all the other types, time commitments, and preparation requirements, many teachers are discouraged from being placed in co-teaching situations. Instead, they prefer to stick with what they are familiar with and prepare their classes according to their preferences rather than attempting to blend two different teaching philosophies.


Although there are some drawbacks to co-teaching, there are far more advantages. Co-teaching allows teachers to collaborate with a colleague and distributes the workload so that no one person is under too much stress. Students receive extra attention as a result. Currently, teachers are reluctant to collaborate, but with time and increased awareness of co-teaching throughout school districts, teachers will learn that this kind of instruction benefits all students. Tremendous progress can be made because every single student can receive the attention required to succeed in school when a special education teacher and a general education teacher are combined. In addition, students will feel more assured when taking any form of the test. 


Because of the numerous new co-teaching strategies that may be created and the potential for more effective teaching methods, co-teaching could become a lifelong learning experience for teachers and students.

So co-teaching is very valuable, but right now, a lot of work needs to be put into this to make it work efficiently. 

Overall, while co-teaching can be a valuable approach to education, it does require careful planning and coordination to be successful. Technology, such as an IQTouch interactive display, can help to make the co-teaching process more efficient and effective, but it is important for the co-teachers to be willing to adapt and work together to achieve the best results for their students.

Why Some Districts are Ending Virtual Options and How Can Help

Why Some Districts are Ending Virtual Options and How Can Help


Recently remote learning or, to be more clear virtual learning options have vastly been in use for learning. Distant learning is a kind of teaching where technology and the latest equipment like IQ podium, IQ touch, touch screen display, intelligent pens and whiteboard classrooms are used to deliver knowledge, lectures, and teachings about different topics.

These virtual options have been a thing, especially two years after the covid-19 pandemic, as it was nearly impossible to carry in-person classes and lectures. However, the rapid spread of covid 19 called for these extreme measures in all aspects of life, whether office-related jobs, businesses, schools, or universities. As a result, everything was shifted to virtual modalities to control the spread of covid 19.

Since then, remote learning has taken the place of in-person classroom teaching. It was an efficient way of teaching for many schools up until recently, where different studies showed lacking this hybrid learning system. As a result, many schools and districts have been seen shifting from hybrid learning to in-person classroom teachings due to the falling efficiency of remote learning. 


IQ&Q-NEX have launched Lecture Capture Classroom solution for hybrid learning, which creates the virtual class with both online and offline teaching mode.


Classroom teaching vs hybrid learning:

While hybrid and remote learning has made it extremely easy to carry out studying sessions at the easy availability of both the educators and students, it has shortcomings compared to classroom learning, where an educator is directly in contact with and communicates with the student.

Where hybrid teaching facilitates educators and students to learn in a more modernized way, it also takes away the efficiency and effectiveness of proper education and learning.

While there are benefits of remote learning, it also has a lot of disadvantages.

Disadvantages of hybrid learning:

Social interaction is lacking in remote education:

The fact that remote learning is just that—remote—makes it harder to engage with your pupils in face-to-face interactions fully. This lack of social engagement can be depressing for both students and teachers. It can also prevent pupils from developing social-emotional learning, leadership, interpersonal skills, public speaking, and other talents. In this regard, maintaining student accountability can be challenging in remote learning forms.

Technology can be confusing and unstable:

We've all had those excruciatingly frustrating times when technology doesn't function when it needs to. The lost WiFi connection. The computer was frozen. The unplugged printer. When you are a teacher in charge of hundreds of pupils, navigating technology issues and disturbances affecting remote learning can be incredibly unpleasant.

Distractions may result from online learning:

As remote learning takes place on computers, it can be simple to get sidetracked or distracted by your favourite websites, online shopping, news notifications, or emails. Due to this, remote learning may occasionally be challenging to maintain, and student work may suffer. This never-ending distraction is undoubtedly one of the more challenging aspects of distance learning.

The specific classroom moments that make teaching such a lovely and rewarding vocation are not possible with remote learning:

A typical school year contains occasions that remind teachers of their original motivation for entering the field. The expression on a student's face as they successfully understand an idea. A pun that makes the entire class chuckle. A collective sigh of relief is heard when the teacher postpones a quiz or test. These are when education is elevated to a truly profound and satisfying profession. Unfortunately, and regrettably, these occasions are scarce in the world of online education.

Lack of essential connection between an educator and a student:

When you work in a classroom, an inexplainable relationship develops between the teacher and the class. The online location needs to have this connection due to the absence of proper communication, which can make it hard for both parties to learn effectively.

Insufficient peer contact:

Another drawback of distant learning is that young children need to interact with other children their age. They could experience loneliness while spending the day in front of a screen and not having access to their classmates' physical area. Not being able to interact with their class fellows can make it harder for them to develop socially.

Hard for parents to keep up:

It necessitates the parents keep a close eye on them. Students who are not physically present in class may find it more challenging to maintain their motivation and complete their homework. To prevent their children from falling behind in their education, parents need to set aside time and become actively involved.

All the above-discussed reasons make online, hybrid or remote learning extremely inefficient and unhealthy for growing students as it takes away a lot of opportunities for growth and development. And this is why the latest studies and research have labelled hybrid and touch screen learning as an ineffective mode of delivery.

Keeping in mind all of these shortcomings of touch screen and whiteboard learning, schools of many districts and areas are more ardent to continue the classroom format of studying to ensure better and practical education for their students and an easy and comfortable environment for their educators.

The classroom setting facilitates the teachers way more than hybrid learning. The classroom hours ensure the complete attention of its students and educators.

Advantages of classroom learning:

· You can ask inquiries (assuming the instructor welcomes questions).

· You can talk about problems with other students.

· There are several opportunities for social support and connection.

· You can use the student facilities on campus

· Different extracurricular activities can be carried out for growth 

· Various events can be planned to develop soft skills in students

So a classroom setting ensures safe and proper learning and establishes an environment that promotes understanding and knowledge. And this is why the modern online ways of teaching are being pushed back by old traditional methods of teaching.

If your district is ending virtual options and transitioning back to in-person learning, can be a valuable resource. allows teachers to easily create and share interactive lessons and activities with their students. It's a great way to engage students and make learning more interactive and dynamic, whether in the classroom or remotely.

With, teachers can create interactive presentations, quizzes, and games, and share them with their students via a web browser or the app. Students can participate in real-time, making it a great tool for remote learning or in-person instruction.

Overall, while the decision to end virtual options may be driven by a variety of factors, can be a valuable resource for teachers as they transition back to in-person learning. It's a great way to engage students and make learning more interactive and dynamic, no matter the setting.

Cultural Responsive Teaching for Efficient Learning

Cultural Responsive Teaching for Efficient Learning


If we break that term down to understand it better, we'll be able to appreciate the diversity that this term carries. This kind of teaching is based on cultural education and understanding the country's diverse population. Public schools are a world of difference, and so educators and students need to be able to relate to having a better learning opportunity.

When we talk about diversity, people automatically think of RACE. So, yes, the race is a part of what we will be talking about in this article, but we do know all the children, students and pupils we come across come with a whole set of differences. And as we talk about differences, it is precious to understand how culturally responsive teaching works. Strong knowledge of cultural diversity is crucial for educators to connect with their students.


Cultural responsive teaching is a method that helps you learn or understand the culture in your surrounding.  And IQTouch is an Interactive Display screen which can help you better understand the topic or material.

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) aims to recognize each student's distinct personal and social background. It also entails adapting educational strategies to each student's needs, interests, cultural experience, and prior knowledge.

Compared to other antiquated teaching methods and approaches, culturally responsive teaching is a comparatively modern concept. When diverse kids from various cultures, races, and ethnicities enrol in public schools, it is frequently used to include them in curriculum creation and classroom activities.

The idea of "culturally responsive teaching" entails analyzing a student's prejudices in their background to be aware of their potential learning barriers. Then, they are given strategies to increase their cultural awareness, which makes them better learners. According to several recent studies, culturally sensitive instruction boosts diverse pupils' academic achievement.

Why is culturally responsive teaching important?

It is essential to understand

· Limitations of a student because of their cultural background towards certain things

· To allow students from different backgrounds to have equal access to opportunities

· To ensure adequate and coequal exposure to technology

· To understand the demands and needs of a student to aid them effectively.

· To promote a connection and a meaningful relationship between students and their teachers.

It is necessary for students to have a sense that a specific teacher or the classroom environment believes in them, sees them, and respects them; this is a doorway that a culturally responsive teacher can create. Therefore, it is of prime importance for a teacher to build a relationship to connect with the child and his background and to make them feel safe and like a unit.

Cultural competence:

The cultural competence of an adult is intimately connected to achievement. And for that, it is necessary to develop teachers' strategies to engage students in a structure. A classroom should be physically and culturally inviting to create an impression of class in a way that expresses all cultures.

The Importance of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy:

In many classrooms around the nation, children from various ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, and attitudes could feel invisible to their teacher or peers. So now, the focus is on identifying, including, and praising kids who might feel excluded from the classroom using a culturally sensitive method of instruction.

Benefits of CRT:

· Flourished learning

· Creates opportunities for success and development

· More exposure to the diversity

· Better engagement and social connections

· A better understanding of different cultures

· Cultural responsive teaching liberates students to

· Find and use their voice

· Engage in thinking

· Become active participants

· Examine issues through a multicultural perspective


The IQTouch interactive display screen is a powerful educational tool that allows teachers to engage their students in cultural responsive teaching. This approach to teaching recognizes and values the unique cultural backgrounds and experiences of each student, and seeks to create a learning environment that is inclusive and respectful of diversity.

One of the key benefits of the IQTouch interactive display screen is its ability to facilitate efficient learning. By presenting information in a dynamic and interactive way, the screen helps to keep students engaged and motivated to learn. This can be especially important for students who may be struggling with traditional methods of teaching, as the interactive nature of the screen can help to hold their attention and keep them on track.

· In addition to its ability to promote efficient learning, the IQTouch interactive display screen also allows teachers to challenge their students in a variety of ways. For example, they can use the screen to present complex concepts and ideas in a way that is easy for students to understand, or to facilitate collaborative learning activities that encourage students to work together and share their ideas.

It creates a community of successful learners. No magic wand is required to improve cognitive growth, foster social relationships, and increase engagement and retention. Instead, think about encouraging a community of learners in your classroom to work together, value, and celebrate the diversity of cultures.

The goal of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is to build rapport and understanding while acknowledging the obstacles that low-income and minority students frequently face.

With CRT, educators can create lessons tailored to their pupils' cultural backgrounds while strengthening the bonds between them and their teachers.

As a result, educators can establish a connection with the parents of their kids through which they can celebrate their achievements and offer assistance when required.

How can you implement culturally responsive teaching?

You can use different strategies for this purpose:

· By trying different learning styles

· Learning and teaching all cultural or provincial languages along with the national language

· Allow students to represent their cultures through various tasks

· Incorporate cultural content into the curriculum

· Create a judgment-free classroom

· Start other activities that involve cultural exposure

How to be a culturally responsive teacher?

As a teacher, you must take culture into account. There are several learning styles and cultural backgrounds. As a result, you will need to modify your tactics to fit a variety of cultural contexts.

More than simply following your plan won't cut it. Students are more likely to achieve excellent academic performance in classrooms and with teachers sensitive to their cultural backgrounds. A culturally sensitive teacher is one who:

· Is informed on their pupils' cultural context and how it affects them.

· I will try to eliminate prejudices, preconceptions, and unquestioning beliefs about kids based on their colour, ethnicity, or any other factor for that matter.

· will have awkward discussions on race and ethnicity

· Is an expert at solving problems when it comes to difficulties relating to cultures outside of the classroom.

The level of cultural responsiveness a teacher or educator demonstrates toward the cultural norms, beliefs, and practices of pupils are referred to as cultural responsiveness. Teachers must be authentic with students to establish a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. Additionally, culturally sensitive teaching shows respect and admiration for the objectives of the pupils. Teachers can increase the relevance of their lectures for their pupils by focusing on all relevant components of diversity, including culture, gender, race, ethnicity, and other relevant factors, to create a healthy, culturally accepted teaching style.

Overall, the IQTouch interactive display screen is a valuable resource for teachers who are looking to create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students. By using this technology to promote cultural responsive teaching, teachers can help their students to achieve success both in and out of the classroom.

 Click on IQBoard to learn more about the smart classroom solution for fun learning.


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